help - not a chapter

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Let's cut to the chase. 

I'm at a point in the writing of the next chapter where I have figured out 3 different endings for this to go. I need help on deciding which one. I'm good with any, I'm just really indecisive and need a second opinion ;v; 

So here's some aspects of each: 

#1: is confined to ONE part, they make up before the end and is all cute 

#2: would end up with MORE THAN ONE part, bc they wouldn't make up before the end of the first part but they would in the next part. Has potential to become an actual story, but idk if motivation and time would be on my side because this one part is already SUPPPPER LONG

And finally, #3: has the potential to end up as more than one part, but can also still be complete on its own, they make up before the end and is cute 

Help please (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')

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