Chapter 30

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I hurried to the hospital where Vivienne was taken, Eliza was following behind me, she was the one to inform me of what happened to Vivienne and what hospital she was taken to. Apparently, she tripped and fell into the road right in front of a car.

We rushed to the receptionist, the woman looked up at me with a smile.

"I need to see Vivienne Gray, she was brought here earlier" I asked hurriedly, the woman tapped away on her computer and nodded.

"Oh yes, Ms Gray. She was brought here about an hours ago. She was taken to room 302 on the second floor" the woman said before pointing to the elevator.

"Hey, she's gonna be fine." I heard Eliza say when we entered the lift. I was so worried about her, what if she's badly injured? What if she dies even? I can't lose her...not again.

We made our way to the room and I stood in front of the door for a moment, I heard her slow heartbeats and soft breathing. I sighed and pushed the door open then walked inside.

Vivienne was laying on the bed with a bandage on her right arm. I sat down on the chair next to her bed and took her left hand in mine since it looked fine. I pulled it to my lips and kissed her knuckles softly. Her skin was so soft and warm, I leaned my head on her hand feeling my tears roll down my face.

Flashbacks of that night kept replying in my head, her body was cold, her skin turned white, and her scent faded away. I lost her that night, and I lost myself as well. I can't let that happen again...

"Hello! You must be Ms Gray's relatives. My name is Dr Gale" I heard someone say and I lifted my head, the dark skinned woman said. She was a beautiful woman perhaps in her early or mid thirties.

"How is she? Is she going to be okay?" I asked leaning back on the chair. The doctor pulled out her clipboard and read through it for a second.

"Thankfully the car stopped right on time, she has a few light injuries on her hand that'll easily heal" She sighed softly put the clipboard down, she looked at Vivienne's arm closely.

I stared at Vivienne sleeping figure and sighed in relief, I still had her hand in mine, I gently kissed on her knuckles, on her fingers and her palm. I was so damn worried, I really thought she was badly injured.

'Lilith' I heard Dalida's voice, I looked up to see if Eliza heard it as well and she had the same confused look.

'I know you can hear me you moron, I'm in the underground parking lot.' I stood up from my seat and made my way out of the room, in a second I was in the parking lot. Dalida was leaning on her car, her hand were soaked in blood as she sucked it off of her fingers.

"What the fuck? In broad daylight? Really?!" I scolded, the man was whimpering in pain as he laid against her car's wheel with his head down and holding his stomach in pain. His legs were going different ways, definitely broken. His face was badly bruised and his nose was bleeding.

"No cameras...anymore" She mumbled and rolled her eyes at my attempt of scolding her, but I know she'll only do this if she was angry or necessary.

"Guess who got caught pushing Vivienne into the road and right in front of my car. Wonderful coincidence huh.." she kicked him and he fell to his side with a groan. My eyes almost fell out of my head when I realized what she was talking about.

"Good thing I stopped on time I would've made Vivienne, do you deal with him or should I finish what I started?" she smirked and grabbed him by his shirt, she pulled him up until his feet stopped touching the floor.

"Oh my dear cousin, I'll give you the honor to do as you like with him" I smiled and folded my arms in front of me, she bowed sarcastically and watched her dig her fingers in his neck and yank his throat out.

"She passed out, out of panic. The medics said she hurt her wrist because she fell on it. Nothing serious" Dalida explained and I nodded, I watched her pick up his body and throw it in her trunk.

"I'll go get rid of it, and get cleanned then I'll come back to check on her" she said before getting in her car and drove away. I walked back to Vivienne's hospital room, Eliza was standing next to Vivienne's bed.

"Oh you're awake" I said with relief, she looked at me for a moment and rolled her eyes.

'Why are you even here?' she signed, what? What am I doing here? Why is she acting so upset, why was she so mad?

'What? What do you mean?' I signed back, she flipped me off with both her fingers with a fake smile on her face.

'I came to check on you? What? What's going on?' I signed again to get her attention,

'oh I'm sorry let me quote what you said...I'm sure future me has made a mistake, you're not worth all of this. I should let you die for all I care...does that ring a bell to you?' She finished making my eyes go wide in surprise, so she remembers? she remembers what happened?

'I was angry, I didn't mean a word I said' I signed taking a step closer to her but she crossed her arms and turned the other way. I smiled amusingly at her childish behavior but happy that she remembers, I hope she remembers that we slept together as well.

'Yeah, whatever. Don't talk to me, I got murdered because of you'  she signed after a few minutes of not looking at me.

I sighed and gave Eliza a look, she nodded and left the room. I sat down next to Vivienne and took her hands in mine, I brought them both to my lips and places kisses on her knuckles. She stared at me curiously still frowning at me so cutely.

'You can be mad today, tomorrow, for the next month. I'm just glad you're not hurt Vivienne' I signed, she pursed her lips together trying to hide her smile.

'Whatever, also just because we slept together two times doesn't mean I'm not mad at you for letting me get murdered two hundred years ago' I chuckled at her silliness and patted her leg, the door opened and Dalida walked in a different outfit and clean from all the blood.

'You ok?' she asked Vivienne who smiled at her,

'I'm also mad at you as well, for letting your dad kill me. Both of you, don't talk to me' she tucked herself under the sheets and turned to face the other way.

"Huh? What just happened?" Dalida asked me confused,

"Apparently, she remembers everything. And she's mad at me, and now you as well" I smiled sheepishly, I don't even care that she's mad at this point. I'm just so happy she's okay, and healthy.



Vivienne turned to check if we were there still and when she saw me looking at her she rolled her eyes and went back to acting mad again. A few minutes later I realized her heartbeats took a steady rythme which meant she fell asleep.

"Do you have any idea why that guy would want to hurt her?" Dalida asked as we both stood outside the room so we don't disturb her.

"I have one, or two" The Valcòs won't live to see another day, I was going to make sure neither of them survives what's going to happen to them next. And I was certain Dalida was going to love participating.

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