Chapter 25

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This evil woman...she's the devil...

She's been purposely teasing me, touching me, feeling me up, making me horny and not doing anything about it. All for her pleasure, I could see the satisfaction on her face when I get all frustrated.

I sat there in my seat with my hands covering my crotch, it went down a little and was less obvious but I could still feel the tightness in my pants.

Ms Falcon wasn't here she excused herself to talk on the phone so I stayed here trying to think of something that will make this go away.

"Ladies and gentlemen..." A voice said from the stage, I looked up to look at the host. George as Ms Falcon called him.

"We have a special and surprise event, Mr Roberto Valcò challenged the queen of classical music..." The crowd laughed like he just said the funniest thing in the world, I felt hands on my shoulders and I looked up at Ms Falcon.

"Are you ready?" I nodded and she let go of me, I stood up from my seat and turned to follow her. Miss Eliza was standing next to the stairs with my violin case in her hands. I smiled at her before taking it from her along with my keys.

Eliza took Ms Falcon's hand and assisted her down the stairs while I walked behind them.

"What do you want to play?" I heard her ask,

"I don't know really, whatever you want." I didn't mind anything at all, she can choose anything she wants, Mozart, Beethoven, Shostakovich.

"Do you know, Czardas by Monti?" I haven't heard that one or played it in a long while, but it used to be one of my grandma's favorite pieces.

"Of course, it's my grandma's favorite" I said with a smile on my face, we went through the grand doors towards the stage. We walked through the aisle, the space that separated between seats and areas. I could feel people staring at us and I hated the attention.

I felt an arm sneak around my waist and pull me closer to her,

"We'll wait for Roberto to play whatever he wants, then we'll go on stage" she whispered in my ear and pulled me down next to her to sit at the front.

The Valcò brothers went on stage, and Roberto had a smug look on his face as he eyed me and Ms Falcon. His brother went to the piano and sat down. The theater went quiet as the brothers got ready to play.

"He's going to play something by Frederic Chopin, because it impresses everyone" Ms Falcon whispered to me again, Roberto took a deep breath and started playing.

"Told you"

They played nocturne by Chopin, it was a very impressive piece indeed and one of my favorites too, it was actually the first one I played on piano. Roberto was very talented but he was so full of himself, and he gets easily distracted. Like one second he's playing and the other his bow stops touching the strings missing a few notes. He's inconsistent.

"Even though Monti isn't as famous as Chopin, I know you're going to do amazing. So don't panic, don't think too much and just play like you normally do. Okay?" Ms Falcon said with a reassuring smile and held both my hands in hers.

The Valcòs finished and everyone started clapping at their performance. Roberto waved at us with a smirk before getting down the stage.

"Let's see if your...apprentice can play like me." He pushed past us with a smug look making Ms Falcon sigh in frustration. I opened the case and grabbed my violin while she made her way on top of the stage. She took her seat in front of the piano and I stood a few feet away from her.

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