Chapter 9

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"Don't be mean I'm literally trying my best" I whined as I dragged the huge carpet, I tried to drag the heavy carpet. Apparently, someone important was coming to visit the king and the ballroom must be cleaned and prepared for the guests. Miss Eliza stood there watching me struggle with her arms folded and an annoyed smirk. I've been asking her to help me pick this whale of a carpet but she refused.

"I have one hand" I was putting my soul into this but I failed, I've never used my arms in anything except writing compositions and playing instruments so that'll give you an idea of how strong I must be. I stopped for a moment and looked around for a short brunette, Margaret was going to help me with this asshole. 

"I'm telling your girlfr-" The carpet was suddenly picked up off the ground, I smirked when Eliza lifted it with one arm and put it on her shoulder. She grabbed my arm with her free hand and dragged me inside the ballroom. Every human was running around trying to get everything in place, the chandeliers were being cleaned, the walls even the ceiling. 

I noticed that the instruments that I cleaned yesterday were now on display, except for one box. Lilith must've taken it away from here. I want to know what's inside.

"Roll it" Eliza ordered dropping the carpet on the floor, I sighed and kicked the carpet with my foot but Eliza hit me on the back of my head, not hard to hurt but enough to make me drop and roll the carpet with my hands. 

And if you're wondering how she knows I can hear her. Well...


Margaret and I were making our way to the ballroom where Eliza wanted us, when we reached our destination, nobody was in there just yet. It was just me and Margaret. Did Eliza lie to us? Because if she did, I'm going to be very upset. The loud sound of something harshly dropping on the ground made me jump and hold my chest startled. 

"Fuck that scared me" I opened my eyes to find Eliza standing right in front of me with a weird look, I chuckled awkwardly and waited for her to yell at me.

"You lied?" She said in a threatening tone, I quickly shook my head no and looked at Margaret for help.

"I'll explain to you later, dear" All couple nicknames, I cringed at how lovey-dovey they must be behind closed doors. 

*End of flashback* 

And that is how she found out I had hearing aids.

I never thought a carpet could be rolled this far, how long is this thing? it stretched from the door to the opposite side of the room, and I had to roll it with my own hands. What type of torture is this? When I thought I was done, I saw Eliza drop another carpet for me to roll. I groaned in frustration and went to point zero to start again. 

"Your Highness" I heard Eliza say which made me stop what I was doing, I looked behind me to find Dalida standing next to the guard who had her head down respectfully. Dalida smiled at me and I sent her one back.

'Are you ok?' She signed, I nodded and pushed the carpet. Thankfully this one wasn't as long as the first one. When I was done I went back to stand next to Dalida. She gesture for me to follow her out of the room and I did.

'I need you to do something for me' 

"I put them on" I showed her my hearing aids, 

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