Chapter 20

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"T-thank you" I stuttered out as I shivered, she smiled at me from the rearview mirror. She turned the heater on and I felt myself relax a little bit.

My soaked clothes were sticking to my skin uncomfortably and I was contemplating if I should just wait a few more minutes until I get home or just take them off. I watched her grab something from the passenger seat, she handed me the fur coat.

'Take off your clothes and put that on' she signed, we sat there in silence as I stared at the coat then back at her. I started unbuttoning my white shirt, I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me but I just kept my head down. I unbuckled my belt and sighed softly before zipping it down and taking it off.

I wrapped her warm coat around me and hugged it so tight, I sighed in satisfaction and smiled when the warmth started to wrap my body. Her scent was so deliciously intoxicating and I never in life thought I'll be attracted to a scent.

'Where to?' she signed when we stopped at a red light, I grabbed my phone from the pocket of my pants and typed my address then handed it to her.

Her eyes would look at me from time to time from the rearview mirror and I'd just avert mine away so I don't have to hold the eye contact. When we reached my apartment building, she parked and got out of the car opening her umbrella.

She put the umbrella over my head to cover me when I left the car, I grabbed my case and shut the door. Now that I feel a little better I realized what car she was driving. A black mercedes c63 amg. I'm not a car person, but I know a great car when I see one.

She nudged me softly to wake me up from my day dream and I blushed that I got caught gawking at her damn car. We made our way to the building and we got inside the elevator. I saw myself in the mirror and realized how big her fur coat looked on me.

My eyes met hers in the mirror and I noticed she looking at me with this look that I couldn't quite describe, her eyes sleepy as she ate me with them. I blushed and looked away from her, and thankfully the elevator door opened and saved me.

This wasn't an expensive building, it was an okay place, just safe and affordable. Same thing for my apartment, it was small but I was just one person, I didn't need a castle.

I invited her to come inside and she hesitated at first but then walked in. Good thing my living room was clean and not messy like my room probably was.

'Make yourself at home, I'll be back' I signed and watched her sit on the couch. She smiled nodding her head and I ran to the bathroom to grab my hearing aids where I left them last night when I came back from the club.

The sounds started to become clearer when I put them on the right tune, I took off her coat and I dried my hair quickly before putting it in a bun. I put grey sweats and a hoodie then went out of the room. I grabbed her coat and brought it with me to the living room.

She was still sitting on the couch while scrolling through her phone, when she saw me come closer she locked it and smiled.

"Sorry, I went to put my hearing aids on. Can I get you a drink?" I asked softly and handed her the coat.

"It's alright, don't worry about it. And yes I'd love some water please" at the sound of her voice my ears started to turn red, I knew I was blushing like crazy which was more embarrassing than anything else. I quickly turned around and made my way to the kitchen, she had an expensive British accent and a low raspy voice but soft at the same time which confused my ears, in a good way.

I opened the fridge to see if I had anything else to drink, aside from water, I found some raspberry juice that I bought yesterday morning and forgot to drink, I put it in a glass bottle so I can take it with me to the orchestra but ended going to the club, and completely forgetting about it. I took it out a long with a water bottle then grabbed some cups.

"Do you like raspberry juice?" I asked sitting down next to her,

"I like all juices" she smiled, my dirty mind giggled at that hopefully she didn't see the silly smile I had plastered all over my face. I am a literal child.

I poured her some juice and handed her the glass, when she went to grab it her fingers touched mine and I tried my best not to act weird. Before pouring myself some water.

"Did you make it?" She asked after taking a sip, she softly wiped the top of her lip, and I gulped silently as I stared at her pink plump mouth.

"I- yes. No!, No I did not. I bought it actually, why? do you like it?"

She smiled amusingly at my nervous self and I just cleared my throat and took a sip of my water, I know damn well I'm red as a tomato. I mean my new boss is sitting on my couch drinking raspberry juice.

"Vivienne, is it?" What is even happening to me, why is this woman who I just met make me feel so tingly inside, the way she said my name was so foreign yet so familiar.

"Ah..yep. that's me" I replied awkwardly avoiding to look her in the eyes,

"Just because you served me really good raspberry juice doesn't mean I'll excuse this morning's inconvenience" she said jokingly, I could tell by the tone and the smile on her face. She had a really pretty face, like her thick well done eyebrows, full lips and pretty blue eyes. This woman is a goddess.

"I almost got hit by a motorcycle thankfully this random woman saved me, I wouldn't have come at all if I got into that accident" I explained, her face suddenly dropped and she put the glass down. I didn't know what I said that created a tension but she seemed uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"Is everything alright?" She cleared her throat and smiled,

"Sorry, I have to go. It's getting late." She rubbed her hands on her thighs, thick thighs, I mean...there's no excuse, they were thick and the dress she was wearing was tight making them more appealing to look at. She stood up and I looked up at her.

God, I loved the view from down here...

"Ehm, okay. Thank you for driving me here by the way, that was sweet of you."

She smiled softly and extended her hand to I can shake it, I stood up and caught her hand. She gave it a little squeeze before letting go.

"Be careful next time, your little inconveniences and misfortunes are none of our business" she smiled saying that, is she wasn't I would've believed her but the amusement in her eyes said otherwise.

I walked her to the door, well she walked in front of me and I watched her hips, ass and legs, and almost bumped into her when she suddenly stopped.

"Come back again, I mean no not that, drive safe. It's not that I don't want you to come back, you can come back whenever you want" I rumbled and that didn't seem to bother her at all because she chuckled a little, I love it when I embarrass myself in front of a beautiful woman.

"Goodbye Vivienne" she said and walked out of the door,

"Bye Ms Falcon" I whispered back with a huff, I am so damn awkward, why am I so awkward and why does she make me feel so nervous. I shut the door and went back to plump down on the couch.

"I hate myself"

I glance at the cup she was drinking from and realized it wasn't empty yet, I had this silly thought pop up in my head and I felt so mischievous about it.

I unconsciously grabbed her cup and put my lips the spot where she drunk and took a sip of her drink. I put the cup down and rubbed my face in frustration.

What's happening to me...

Down bad bro...



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