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There was the sound of screams coming from every direction, people running this way and that. April heard what was happening in a subway station and she just had to scope out the drama, huh? Typical April.

We were both just at an event with Eric Sacks, me as April's plus one. They were talking about the Sacks Industries accomplishments and this-and-that-and-this. I wasn't listening, I never do.

"C'mon, YN, we have to see what's happening!" April grabs my wrist and drags me behind her, running even faster now. We make it into the station and we stand flat against a wall. Hiding behind a trash can, we hear gunshots and loud voices.  Suddenly, two Foot Clan soldiers grab April and me and push us to the floor after ushering us to everyone else.

"We know you're out there! If you don't surrender- we start executing hostages!"

"Keep your head down," I shout to a little girl who looked up to see what was happening. She had been crying. I grab her and pull her into me, holding her close. April lifts her phone and takes a picture.

The next thing I hear is the sound of a subway and a bunch of excited shouts, it seemed as if they were getting hyped up. A woman screams something in Japanese and the lights go out. "Like a shadow, brah!" All of the hostages were released and everyone files out of the station like a pack of sardines. I still held the crying girl, she pulled on my hair and I cradled her.

"Excuse me, excuse me, please! I don't know this little girl and I don't know where her parents are, please, you have to help me!" A police officer grabs onto my shoulder.

"Alright, we'll take her from here, for now, go home and lock your doors and windows,  don't let anyone you don't know in." The officer grabs her and she continues to cry. I follow after April to see her climbing a ladder. The same latter I delivered pizza to, ironically.

"Thank you for choosing Pizza Hut, how can I help you?"

"Meat lovers pizza with extra everything! Large, a large pizza," an excited voice says. Static sounds for a minute, like fumbling, and another voice begins speaking.

"However, we need it delivered to an obscure location... the corner of 4th and 12th Ave. The building has a ladder, there will be a lunchbox with your payment in it, have it delivered there. Leave it on the ground."

The line drops and the dial tone dings. Leaving me pondering if I should actually deliver this myself. I did. The payment was in fact in a little metal lunchbox.

I climb up after her and she stops at the top, peeking over the end of the building.
"Did you see that guy's jaw connect with the concrete?!"

"That guy'll be eating through a sippy cup for a month!"

"Oh, that's what I'm talking about, brothers! Like shadows in the night, completely unseen!" April's camera flash goes off and the four guys stop in their tracks, voices falling silent.

"What was that?"

"It's a camera flash," another says.

"I know it's a camera flash," whispers another.

"Who's behind the camera flash?"

"My calculations predict it's a girl."

"Are we gonna kill her?"


"April, I think we should go now..."

"No way, not yet!"

"Raph! No, no-" A chain is wrapped around April's body and she is yanked onto the roof.

"April!" I jump up after her and help her stand. A figure jumps and lands in front of us.

"Gimme the camera," he says with a deep voice.

"Look, he's doing his Batman voice," one of them chuckles. His voice... sounds familiar.  "Oh, she's so hot I can feel my shell tightening! I think the other one is the chick who gave us our pizza!"

"We can hear you," the man in front of us says. He had a red bandana covering his face and a scar on his upper lip. "If you don't give me the camera, I'm gonna-"

"Enough!" The fourth and final guy jumps off of a structure and flips behind us. "Back off, Raph!"

"Ugh, I only saw Batman once."

"Ma'am, other Ma'am, hello. I apologize." He steps down and holds a katana in one hand. "My colleague here forgot to say "please". So, would you please hand over the camera?" I take a step back and I see April bump into another figure.

"No, no, no, woah, chill! It's just a mask! See, don't freak out!" The turtle lifts his hands to his head and removes the orange mask from his eyes. "Right?" April faints and I chuckle at her.

"Typical April," I say. I sit down and lift her head onto my lap. All of the turtles look at me and I just stare back.

"Oh, I think that went well," 'Glasses' states.

"Uuuuh- hi. I'm assuming you guys ordered the meat-lovers with pineapple, hm?" The one in orange chuckles and nods.

"That's us!" They crowd around us and the turtle with glasses does a scan on April.

"Alright, blood pressure is stabilizing."

"She may have a head injury."

"Hey, she's a hot chick with a head injury! And that makes it our civil duty to-"

"Ma'am, can you hear me? Do you know what city you are in? Do you know where you are?"

"Have you seen the video where that cat plays Chopsticks with the chopsticks?" I laugh and 'Orange' is pushed out of the way.

"Can we focus here?"

"Guys, please, come on. Give her some air," Purple says.

"What are you," April finally asks.

"Well, miss, we're ninjas," one says. His tone sounded funny to me but I stifled my laugh.

"We're mutants."

"Well, technically we're turtles."

"Oh, and we're teenagers! But we can still have adult conversations." I laugh at Orange and cover my mouth. April stands and pulls me up too.

"Wait, wait, wait, so you're ninja, mutant, turtle, teenagers?"

"Well, when you put it like that it sounds ridiculous."

"But I think "Teenage mutant ninja turtles" has a better  ring to it."

"That chick is totally right!" Orange holds his fist out and I look at it, giving him a fist bump.

"See, they're looking at us like we're freaks. I bet that's why you took our picture. Show you're friends."

"Bro, maybe that's a good thing. What if they have hot friends?"

"Sorry guys, I'm kinda' a loner." April begins tapping her body, looking for her camera.

"Lookin' for this?" The Red turtle says to April, holding up her phone.

"Don't break it, please. No, no, no, no, please." They all begin talking to April so I just stand there and look out above the city. Before I know it, they are leaving.

"Did you guys see me back there?! I totally talked to a girl!"

"Shut up, Mikey!"
Word Count: 1121

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