Back in Seattle

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Lena's: POV
It felt good to get away every now and then. Our weekend away to Baltimore helped me put things in perspective
When it came to relocated the group home to another building, my realtor left me a message telling me she found the perfect home. She didn't go into detail anything about how many bedrooms and bathrooms the new place has, l'm supposed to meeting up with Next Monday. We were all exhausted from our trip, l ended up ordering a pizza for dinner cause I was to tired to cook. I called my dad to let him know that we were back in town, l asked him if mama was feeling better from her procedure she had while we were away. He said mama was still recovering from the bone marrow transplant, l knew it would be a while for her to be up on her feet again. Stef was upstairs giving the girls their baths after she came in from walking the dogs, l decided to do a load of laundry. I sorted all the kids clothes out first, Francesca has made it to the semifinals in the spelling bee competition. Their next trip is gonna be in Los Angeles California where they complete against Los Angeles academy, it's a month away. Her school is providing transportation
They always rent coach buses, there will be ten schools from the surrounding area. They always have adult supervision when they travel out of town, l might volunteer as a chaperone. I know it's going to take some time to close the deal on the new house, l just have to make sure hope and grace are going to be in good hands. I know Stef has a couple of events coming up at her restaurant
Grace and Hope always loved spending time with their grandparents, but since mama is still healing. We might have to find other accomodations, or I'll have the baby sitter come over and watch them
I will need to discuss this over with Stef. She's very protective when it comes to all of us, she may have something to say about me leaving for a whole week to go to Los Angeles.
Once l got the laundry started and pour in the washer powder. I came upstairs and found the girls sitting at the table eating their pizza, the delivery guy must've have came while I was in the basement. I didn't even hear the door bell, why didn't anyone come get me to tell me the food had arrive
Lena says to Stef. I'm sorry baby my wife tells me, it's fine l think l'm gonna go upstairs to take a shower right quick
Make sure you guys save me two slices please. Francesca it's your night to do dishes, Lena says to her oldest daughter
Alright mommy l won't forget Francesca replies. Lena kisses Grace Hope and Francesca on the head, Lena winks at Stef as she leaves the dining room. Stef felt chills through her spine, she knows Lena was horny. It's been awhile since they were inmate last, hopefully they'll have the opportunity after everyone's is asleep

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