A match for Christian

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Margaret's: POV
It's been a long couple of days since I received a phone call from the hospital telling me l was a match for Christian. The doctor wanted to come in as soon as possible to get everything set up for the procedure
I packed an overnight bag to be on the safe side in case l needed to stay over night for observation, all my blood work came back excellent. I haven't had the chance to set down with my oldest daughter to tell the good news
Because her and Stef took the girls to Baltimore for Francesca's national spelling bee competition, she's been competing since second grade. Francesca has won several awards for coming in first place, l'm glad this whole court is almost behind us. Now Lena has to make another appearance for the civil suit against David Matthews. I'll be happy once this whole mess is over with, we arrive at Seattle medical center. Luckily Seattle's children's hospital is across the street, we enter the building hand in hand. I had to go down to patient services to get checked in, l know in my heart l'm doing the right thing
I know McKenzie would be looking down on us wherever she is. My hope she is in Heaven and Henry is watching over her, my late husband god rest his soul. Was an a wonderful provider and a amazing father but cancer took him away from us way to soon, l think that's when McKenzie began spiraling out of control due losing her dad. She was like Lena a Daddy's girl, after I got finished up filling out the appropriate paperwork
I went back up to corner and handled the clipboard to the receptionist. She told me the nurse would be with me shortly. I'm a little nervous if l'm being honest with myself, my husband is holding my hand. I thanked God for Stewart every day
My sister is planning on coming down for a visit next month, she was going to come this month but I informed her next month will be a better. Cause I don't know how l'm going to feel after this mini surgery, the doctor did say l would be sore for a few weeks
Their going to take the bone marrow from my hip. There's a lot of needles involved with this procedure, the doctor is gonna give me a local anesthesia so I won't feel no pain
She also said l might experience some self effects. Such chills, slight fever nausea, lightheadedness fatigue
So I have to take it easy not to overdo it. We've been to the grocery store and brought everything where gonna need, Margaret Adams the nurse came out to the lobby. Honey I'll be right here Stewart said, l follow the young woman down the hall. We're walked into a empty room, l take a seat on the bed. She takes my vitals and then writes the information in my chart, she takes my temperature
As you know the procedure takes anywhere from two three hours
Sometimes the doctor likes to keep his patients overnight as a precaution to make sure you have know complications from the bone marrow aspiration. It's a great thing your doing for your grandson Susan says to me, we'll l'm going to let her know your here Susan tells me. You can get changed into the gown that's over in the chair wrapped up in plastic and there's a pair of matching footings inside, you can put your clothes in this bag. Susan says to me
Thank you Margaret stated Susan leaves the room, Margaret gets dressed in the bedroom. She says a quick prayer asking God, to make sure everything will rule in her favor

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