at the national spelling bee completion in Baltimore

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Lena's: POV
Francesca won first place in the national spelling bee completion
All schools in the surrounding area attended. It was touch and go in the beginning, but my baby held her composure, there were a total of kids up on stage, then it was down to the final four and three two. Francesca spelled all the words correctly she walked away with the trophy and some other surprises, Stef and I were so proud of our daughter. After the arena, we went to TGIF for dinner to celebrate Francesca's big win, it felt good to get out of the city for a few days. We'll be heading back home early Sunday morning, l have another week before we have to go to small claims court for the law suit against David Matthews. The first court case, honorable judge ringer
The judge ruled in my favor, he was found guilty on all charges. David has none to blame but him self, he took pled deal we're he would spend eight years in prison. His attorney and Alex went back and forth until they reached an understanding, did l feel sorry for him. No but I felt bad that his son has to be away from his father
If Mr. Matthews wouldn't have kept showing up at my place of business
Demanding to see Francesca after l told him there was no chance in hell l was going to let him see our daughter after he abandoned her as new born
I have nightmares about the attack
I've been seeing a therapist to help me move past the assault. I haven't stepped foot in the group home in months, l found a new location a lot bigger than we had before. I talked to Shannon about it, she was totally on board with everything. my realtor has been looking for houses in the area.
She sent me on so far it didn't meet my expectations. I want the children to feel safe in there new environment they were so traumatize about what happened to me, but Shannon reassure me their fine for now we're at the restaurant looking over our menus. I know hope is gonna want chicken fingers Mac and cheese and broccoli, Grace has always been a picky eater. Since the doctor removed the wires from my jaw, l can have solid foods again. As far as my forearm, l have a lot of nerve damage l'm at forty percent. I was hoping to be at a hundred, it's still to early to tell
Stef has a huge help in my recovery
The waiter came over and took all of our orders. He gave the girls some color sheets and crayons to keep them busy, tomorrow we decided to take a ride on the ferry boat so we can have a tour of the city of Baltimore. We might get a chance to see the harbor
I consider myself lucky to be alive it could have been much worse than it was. It was always be buried in the back of my mind, l have my moments when I wake up and think l'm still in my office. in reality l am at home in my own bed with Stef, l haven't been outside only a few times with Stef
I keep thinking he's going to come back. But l know he's in a maximum secure prison, l never been so scared in my life. Marty my therapist suggest l do some meditation for my anxiety to help me relax, this didn't happen to me. It affected those kids at the group home, it's like my subconscious won't let me forget. I have so many people depending on me, l need to put this whole ordeal behind me. The waiter brings over our food, everybody begin eating.

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