Bonus Chapter #1 - Meeting With the Gods

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We stepped through the portal to find seven deities, most bickering. Only Hades was staying out of the argument, slumped in his wooden chair and looking ready to give up.

"I should be Queen!" Athena declared loudly. "I am the only suitable option!"

"Says who?" Poseidon demanded.

"Enough!" I snapped. "Cease your petty bickering!"

Heads snapped to face me and Poseidon raised his trident. "Who do you think you are, interrupting a council meeting?" he snarled.

"I. Am. Your. King," I snarled back.

"Lord Chaos," Hades said as he rose from his chair and bowed, a small smirk on his face. He knew exactly who I was.

Hestia, Apollo, Hephaestus, and Artemis immediately bowed, but Athena and Poseidon refused.

I released a portion of my aura, sending them to their knees. I released them then and said, "Rise."

They all rose from their bows and sat back on their seats. I frowned and snapped my fingers to change Hades and Hestia's hard, wooden chairs to comfortable thrones.

"Better," I said with an approving nod. "Now, I am here to aid you."

"Aid us in what way, My Lord?" Apollo asked.

"I will appoint new council members, as well as your new king and queen," I declared.

"We have some candidates," Artemis said.

"I have already chosen," I said, waving my hand dismissively. "Eileithyia will act in place of Hera, Dike will act in place of Ares, Anteros will act in place of Aphrodite, Arete will act in place of Hermes, Eleos will act in place of Demeter, and Comus will act in place of Dionysus. Triton and Thanatos will take the spot of supervisors at Camp Half-Blood, as now the activity director and mentor are gone."

"What do you have to say on the matter of the king and queen?" Apollo asked.

"Hestia will be Queen and Hades will be King, as is their birthright. Now, call all those appointed here to be given their positions," I said with a pointed look at Hades.

He nodded and waved his hand.

All eight deities appeared, looking around in confusion. They had been taken from whatever they were doing without warning.

Thanatos and Triton were holding hands and glaring at Hades. They hadn't noticed anyone else yet but that soon changed when a certain god addressed his son.

"Triton?" Poseidon said incredulously. "What are you doing with him?"

Triton stiffened as he noticed where they were. He and Thanatos had been keeping their relationship secret from Poseidon, knowing he would not approve. "He's my boyfriend, Father," Triton said, spitting the title like it was poison in his mouth. His eyes scanned the rest of the room and landed on me. His face lit up and he went to greet me, but was interrupted by Poseidon.

"No son of mine would willingly date a creature of the Underworld!" he protested. He turned on Thanatos, standing and summoning his trident. "What did you do to him?"

"Enough!" I snapped.

Poseidon went pale and quickly sat back down.

"You do not get to dictate who your children love," I said fiercely. "In fact, from this point onward, you will have no say whatsoever in your children's lives. Am I understood?"

Poseidon bowed his head in submission, though he looked very unhappy about it as he said, "Yes, Lord Chaos."

I turned to Tri. "Thanatos, it is lovely to see you again," I said, winking at him from underneath my hood. "You as well, Triton."

"Likewise, Lord Chaos," Triton said with an exaggerated bow, just to annoy me.

Thanatos didn't bow, instead asking, "Grandfather, why have we been called here?"

"Each of you are to be given a new position," I said. "You and Triton will supervise the Greek Camp. The rest of you have been given positions on the Olympian Council, under the rule of your new leaders: King Hades and Queen Hestia."

Triton fist pumped and grinned at Hades and Hestia. "About time you guys got some recognition."

Triton and Thanatos stood to the side as each of the newly appointed deities came to me to be officially given their new positions.

Anteros was first and I smiled kindly at him, remembering how much Eros had loved him. He had been about to propose before Thanos turned him to dust. Anteros didn't seem to know about his lover's disappearance, which wasn't surprising. He rarely came to Valos, as Eros spent most of his time on Terra. After he had been promoted, he went and sat on Aphrodite's throne.

After that, was Eileithyia, who hesitantly sat on Hera's throne. I couldn't blame her for her hesitancy. Hera was known to be a very vengeful goddess.

The rest went until it was time for Hades and Hestia to be crowned. That was when the problems started.

"If anyone has any objections to Hades being crowned, let them speak now," I said as I held the crown over Hades's head, sending a stern glare to Poseidon.

"I do!" a voice shouted as the doors to the throne room were thrown open.

I cursed under my breath as I recognized the voice. I spun to face him. "Heracles," I said, my voice carefully controlled. "I do not believe you were invited to this coronation."

He held firm in the face of my anger. "I object to Hades being King," he said.

"And, why," I asked calmly, "is that?"

He scoffed. "Even Hypnos could do a better job at running a kingdom than this corpse."

I took a deep breath to contain the fury raging in me as he insulted Hades. "I suppose you think you could do better?"

Heracles puffed out his chest. "I am more qualified."

"Are you?" I said, placing the crown back down. "Hades has been running the Underworld since the end of the titanomachy. It has yet to show signs of collapse or overpopulation despite the growing number of souls. Can you say the same?"

Heracles looked less confident but still said, "A bunch of dead people versus Olympus? Not even comparable."

I took a deep breath once more. "Your complaint has been noted," I said. "Now, please remain silent while we continue the ceremony."

Heracles's jaw clenched but he stood to the side.

I picked up the crown again and turned back to Hades. "With the power invested in me, I crown you King of Olympus," I declared before nestling the crown in his pitch black hair. "Rise, and take your seat, King Hades."

Hestia knelt next and, luckily, no one objected, though Athena was gripping her armrest tightly.

Finally, it was done. I sighed and turned to Triton and Thanatos. "You two are to watch over the Greek Camp and train the demigods in the ways of their ancestors. Teach them to be courageous yet logical, proud yet humble, fierce yet merciful. Teach them how to survive in the mortal world as well as ours. Teach them in the ways of the Mist. Teach them of other cultures and pantheons. Teach them to work together and independently. Teach them inclusivity and kindness. Teach them peace and war. If you do this, I do not doubt that they will be the best generation of demigods to ever walk this planet."

They nodded seriously. "We will teach them all these and more," Thanatos promised.

I nodded. "Very good. Now, go. Help them recover from this tragic loss." I turned to my team. "Let us return home," I said. "There is still much work to be done." 



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