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Years passed and things settled down. Thanos was now just a chapter in a history textbook. Kids barely managed to remember his name long enough to pass their history exams before it flew from their minds. Laughter could be heard everywhere as people enjoyed time with their loved ones. Life was good. The universe was at peace for the first time.

The time difference had been kept the same as during the Blip, which is what Terrans had begun calling the years during which half the population was gone, and so Team Omega still visited the Avengers frequently, sadly watching them grow older, but staying close friends.

Oh? You want to hear more than that? Fine.

Sam and Shuri had happily been dating for ten Terran years before he finally got up the courage to ask her to marry him. She said yes, of course, and the two were married shortly after, making Shuri immortal. They had two children, T'challa, named after Shuri's late brother, and Adanna, named after Shuri herself. They constantly argued, but as soon as one was hurt or insulted, the other was right there to defend them.

Kola grew into the most powerful sorceress in the universe, just as Loki had predicted. Her name was spoken with reverence and respect. She didn't marry, much to Loki's delight. Instead, she swore never to marry so she would stay free to help those in need.

Nolan stayed as an advisor for Percy. He and Charlie had three adorable children, triplets. They were named Bella, Jakal, and Jordan. He loved teaching his children everything he knew, and they loved to learn it. Jakal had run up to his father one day, looked him in the eye, and said solemnly, "I'm going to be an advisor just like you when I'm older." Bella had chosen to become an ambassador when she was old enough, and Jordan wanted to be the first non-binary commander of their very own task force.

Jack and Nebula had gotten married after many years of friendship and dating. They were still happily married and were going strong.

Jamie and Sam continued to complement each other perfectly. They were going to be ruling one day, and worked hard to make sure they were prepared for any possibility.

Morgan Stark had never unlocked her magic, but she found that she had a special ability that it gave her through the block. She was able to speak any language. She became a famous author and helped her father work in the garage often.

Peter Parker had become the youngest CEO in the world at the age of eighteen when Tony and Pepper had retired and left him the company. He had been trained, of course, and the company bloomed under his care. He had gotten a boyfriend named Harley and they had been going strong for a couple of years. He took a kid under his wing, just like Tony had done with him. He was named Miles and had gotten spider powers too, so Peter taught him everything there was to know, made him a suit that Miles designed, and took him out on patrol for a while before giving him the title of Spider-Man and stepping down to be a full time CEO.

Gamora and Peter Quill got married. Physis retired, so Gamora left the team to take over for her. She could've stayed on, Sarah had proved that, but she also wanted to just spend some time with Peter. Though they hadn't announced it to anyone, Gamora was pregnant. A small baby bump showed, but no one mentioned it.

Let's see... who am I forgetting?

Oh, right!

Well, Chaos had taken back the throne, but admitted that he was looking to retire soon. He was proud of how well they had done and was happy knowing they were plenty capable. The people were overjoyed with his return, despite having loved Percy and Loki as their kings. 

Loki and Percy had willingly stepped down from their thrones and instead began taking a more active role in the military. They were happy to get away from the responsibilities for a few centuries, instead putting that energy and time into their growing family. Loki did still have his moments where he doubted his worth and the love that he received, but Percy was always there to prove those thoughts wrong. They were deeply in love and often stole their grandchildren away for a weekend trip. The two visited Terra to see Thor frequently, and he came to visit them often as well.

Percy was... happy. He was truly happy. He found where he belonged. He found home. 

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