Chapter 16 - The Tour

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Loki's POV

When Percy volunteered to show me around personally, Luke seemed surprised. Was this not normal? After Luke had left, smiling smugly as he, Silena, and Piper began to whisper again, Percy turned to me with a small smile. "Come on," he said, "I'll show you to your quarters and then I can give you a tour of the city."

I nodded, not trusting my voice. That smile made my heart stop and took my breath away. In fact, everything about him seemed to have that effect. His wavy white hair hung in his face, and he brushed it away, revealing his blue eyes. They were captivating and I was sure I could get lost in them forever. The way he looked at his team with such love in his eyes was stunning. The way he held himself with confidence during such a time was impressive.

He led me to one of the doors that lined the room. "This will be your room. As soon as you touch the doorknob, the magic will read you and change your quarters to be exactly what you need. It will reflect your personality and will have anything you could ever need or want," he explained.

I nodded and reached out to open the door. As I touched the doorknob, I could feel the magic at work. Percy leaned against the wall beside the door as I opened it. "Are you not coming?" I asked. Surely he would be curious to see it.

I heard him chuckle slightly and looked over to see him shaking his head. "Loki, our quarters are a personal space. They are partly a manifestation of who we are, meaning they hold our secrets and desires. We do not enter another's without permission, and that permission is rarely given permanently. I added this spell while learning to master my powers of creation."

"Have you given anyone permanent permission?" I asked quietly.

He smiled and nodded. "Only two. Jamie and Nico."

I couldn't help but wonder what his relationship with this Jamie person was. They must be very close if he has permission to enter his quarters, considering how he described it. I nodded and decided to look around my new living space. I opened the door and slipped inside, closing the door behind me.

The main room wasn't very large, but there were many rooms attached to it. The main room, which I was in, was the bedroom. The walls were painted with a detailed mural of Asgard as it could be seen from the roof of the palace above my room. I smiled. That was where I went to think and remind myself that there was beauty on Asgard, despite the prejudice in the hearts of the people. My bed was a decent size, just the right size that I would be able to be comfortable. It sat close to a wall that held a couple of shelves that held various weapons. That would definitely make me feel more safe knowing that I could quickly defend myself. A nightstand was on the other side with a reading lamp.

I moved to explore the other rooms. The magic was certainly thorough. It held an extensive library with a reading nook, a large wardrobe, a private training room for my magic, a workshop for me to improve any weapons I would choose to wield (I would never call a weapon my own unless I had altered it to suit my needs and infused it with some of my own magic), an art room, and an office. Half of the things with which I had been provided were meant for interests that I had never told another person about. The wardrobe would produce any item of clothing I requested, which I found fascinating. It also held a kitchen that was fully stocked and a restroom, so I would not have need to leave my room for anything when focused on a project.

When I finally exited my quarters, I was surprised to find Percy in the same position he had been in when I had entered. His eyes were closed and he was humming a tune.

He heard the door shut and opened his eyes, turning to look at me. "I trust it is to your liking?" he asked.

I smiled brightly and nodded. "It is wonderful," I said. "Thank you."

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