
364 27 19

(if you enjoy please remember to vote, we are currently at #6 on generation loss and that's so cool!)


As we were walking into the room I felt a wave of dizziness take over my brain. I felt like the floor was sucking me in to an endless void. I staggered and leant against the wall, luckily Ranboo didn't notice. We were now at the control panel of the carousel and everything seemed to be on autopilot like everything was programmed with one task, their movements few and static lacking fluidity and life.

the room was cold and rusted with the carousel in the middle behind the rusted diamond patterned gates. The people on the carousel sprang to life and we began the voting process.

the viewers picked Niki and we picked Sneeg, everything was fine and they were completing the puzzle segment when I felt a pit rising in my stomach, un unnatural bulge was poking out at the bottom of my right ribcage, it looked like some kind of circle was sticking out but with loads of holes in it, what was that? I quickly folded my shirt back over and luckily Ranboo hadn't noticed. I felt like I was going to be sick and like something was seriously wrong. Why was this happening to me, this didn't happen before, this didn't happen the first time so why was it happening now. The puzzler was going on with his speech but I couldn't hear it well,  my ears were ringing with a painfully high pitched screeching. I persevered on pretending like it was all good but as we were leaving I felt another rush of dizziness. I swayed on the spot and obviously Ranboo noticed because he was staring at me with worry in his eyes. my vision  started to be clouded with black blurry spots invading my eyes before I fell. Not again, not again. . . 

Generation loss (Alternate ending)Where stories live. Discover now