Joining the illusion

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(this chapter is going to be split between Levi pov and Ranboo pov)

(Levi pov)

I stared in shock unable to process the fact that my childhood role model was there in front of my eyes after being missing for years. Eyes shut. They wore the same mask that they did in the Generation loss episodes. I grabbed at my face to find I was also wearing a metal mask, my fingers traced along the lights at the sides and around to the wires. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I was motionless.

Ranboo was starting to stir and was slowly waking. I ran over to them and formed a plan in my head, if they didn't see the film set like I suspect they won't then I need to play along. I also need to pretend that I don't know them and that they are a stranger to me.
the film crew behind me were snickering and whispering saying things like "this will be interesting" and "their gonna fall so hard for this it's gonna be brilliant."

I remembered Ranboo saying in the first episode to the camera."that's an odd looking painting." I walked over to see what their reaction would be and stared into the camera's inquisitively.

"Do they know? it's impossible. sure they were hard to control but did it fail, did they break the illusion."

"Well that's a rather striking painting" I needed to be careful about what I say about this painting as I had no knowledge of what they were thinking. The second they were concerned as to whether I could see them I knew my theories were correct. I was In an illusion and if I wanted to escape, I needed to play along.

"Wha. . .where am I? Why do I feel drousy. . ."

Ranboo was awake

(Ranboo pov)

My eyes were pried open by a dim light as I came into consciousness. "Wha. . .where am I? why do I feel drousy. . ." I was chained to a red armchair and my wrists and ankles were bound tightly with thick metal. I felt a sharp twinge in the side of my head to find a wire sticking out of it. "Why. . .Where. . .What is going on. . .How. . ."

"Oh phew your awake, I was starting to panic a little there, not torture if the subject is already dead" This teenager was standing near this odd looking painting and was starting to walk over. There was a control in their hands and they pressed it. I felt shocks coming from my mask they were so painfu-"WAKE UP."

"DUDE WAKE UP, your shaking like crazy."the teenager was staring at me with concern in their eyes "HELLO? CAN YOU HEAR ME? WHAT'S HAPPENING"

I was panicking and scared. Which one of those were real? is this teen trying to help me, or are they the reason I'm here?

"STAY AWAY." I scream in a moment of panic. I try to pull the restraints of but it just didn't work.

"I'm here to help, please trust me, do you have any idea of how to get the restraints of?."

"I. . .I. . .I don't. . .Where are. . .Who are you. . ."

"I'm Levi. I don't know where we are or why we are here but we're in some sort of log cabin. Wait I have an idea." they opened their trouser pocket and searched around in it but didn't seem to find what they were looking for. They Suddenly turned around and stared at the ceiling. What was going on? and who was this? do I trust them? or is there more than their letting on to?

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