The first room

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(Levi pov)

"where might a key be, do you have any idea" I rack my brain for an idea as to where it could be. The camera people turned the camera's on autopilot and left us alone thinking this puzzle would take awhile.

"WAIT. . .this isn't right, no this is wrong, very wrong. it's not supposed to be like this. No this is the starting sequence of the first and second phases combined. where were the keys for the first episode they might help."

"wha. . .episode. . .what's going on, what's not right. what's going o-" And Ranboo was asleep again. I need to be more careful though as I don't know if I want to tell Ranboo yet. I saw something, Something shining under the tv. I lifted it up and found a key. It unlocked all of the restraints on Ranboo except the mask on his head. I started looking around picking up the coloured keys when the film crew came back. I picked up the final key and went back over to Ranboo. I needed a way to wake them up again and wasn't sure how. I thought back to the part of episode two where in between the candy and laser room where the man grabbed the circle at the back of Ranboo's mask but didn't do anything. Suddenly in the laser room he was laughing and doing silly things, not understanding and being scared like he was before. It was like he was on drugs being happy and goofy not caring of how someone's face was smashed in. seeing it as a rag doll instead of a person. That reset him. It might wake him up, but I don't want to reset him. 

Luckily though I didn't have too as he woke up soon after that.

(Ranboo pov)

I re-awoke to find the restraints had been unlocked and the Levi person looking around.

Suddenly this door with strange colourful locks on it burst open falling to the floor and A crazy slime demon came out of it. He was covered in neon green slime and was wearing a suit drenched in the stuff. 

somewhat familiar but I couldn't tell from where.

is that even slime?

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