7- Sometimes the Past is Better Off Forgotten

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Marshall and Everest couldn't believe what they just heard. Crystal has suffered a lot. They felt so bad.

"I- I'm sorry." Marshall said out of pity for the lone pup. "I... I didn't know. I shouldn't have asked."

"Don't be sorry," Crystal muttered, the tragic memories flooding her brain. "Sometimes the past is better off forgotten..." she continued sadly.

Everest's ears went down. When she was a puppy, her parents died and she was stranded all alone in the Antarctic. However with Crystal, people who she thought were her friends betrayed her and her parents abused her, stranding her in the Antarctic after they died.

"I'm sorry that happened to you Crystal," Everest said, breaking the silence. This caught her fellow husky's attention.

"But we need your help to get back to our home, Adventure Bay... please?" Everest continued.

Crystal thought about it. Ever since that day, Crystal has done some very bad things, but all are for survival. She hunted a few baby rabbits, but just for food. She messed up a beaver dam and flooded the whole forest, but it was for her shelter. You do whatcha gotta do, ya know?

"Fine, I'll help you. But I never heard of no Adventure Bay." Crystal told them.

"It's our home," said Marshall.

"I don't see how I'll be much help, but I'll try." Crystal offered.

"Thank you.." Marshall said, smiling. Everest also smiled at their new friend. This made Crystal slightly uneasy.

"So let's go." Everest said and they all left.

Hours passed. Everest was getting weaker because of how long she has been in the cold. Suddenly, Marshall and Crystal felt the wind getting stronger.

"We gotta go find shelter!" Marshall shouted.

Hearing no response from their lavender friend, the mysterious rogue and the cheerful pup turned their heads to see Everest on the ground, slowly being buried in the snow.

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