4- I've Found Her

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Here is Chapter 4!  Enjoy!


I was driving in the snow for hours. I came across an ice bridge that I didn't look at. I drove across and then the bridge cracked. My ambulance fell but I didn't. I held on for dear life onto the edge of the cliff. I climbed back up as I saw what happened. It ignited with fire immediately.

I groaned, the storm calmed down. It should be safe to keep searching now.

Hours later, I found the cave. It was blocked by a giant rock.

Rubble, where are you when I need you?!

I saw a hole. I squeezed through the hole as I classically and clumsily tripped.

"Stupid legs...!" I scolded myself as I fell. I fell on the cold floor with a thud, then I saw who was in front of me.

"EVEREST!!" I shouted in distress. I forced myself up and ran towards her. Her breath was shaky and broken. Her stormy blue eyes weakly looked up to meet my dark blue eyes.

"H-h-hey, s-stop sh-shouting." She said and weakly smiled.

"Everest, don't die, stay with me."

"I-I want to b-but I'm s-so c-c-cold... and we-weak... I was a-always weak..."

I saddened at this and comforted her.

"No! Your not! Your an amazing beautiful husky! You can do it!" Everest smiled at me and forced herself up. She was so fragile right now.

She could die. I wiped my tears away.

"M-Marshall? A-a-are you o-okay?" Everest asked.

"I.. I..you could die Everest... your so fragile right now... in case you do... I have to tell you something." I said.

"O-okay," Everest shivered.

"I... I never really knew how to say this, but...I love you Everest. Every inch of you. Every single part of you. It's tearing me apart knowing you can die right now. I love you, Eve." I confessed.

"Marshall, I love you too!" Everest confessed.

We nuzzled each other. This is the best, happiest day of my life. Then Everest pulled away. She collapsed on my shoulder.

"No! Everest! No!" I shouted. I pulled her in to check her heartbeat. It was really low. I felt her fur getting colder.

"No! We have to go NOW!" I yelled. I squeezed myself and Everest out of the cave and walked away from the cave with Everest on my back.

The end of Chapter 4! 

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