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Tokio, Japan.
"You're so cruel."


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Hela's cubicle was completely empty the next morning. She arrived to her designated work floor before anyone else had made it in, just to see if Gojo was tugging on her leg about getting her desk packed— and he sure wasn't joking, the flowers were even gone. It was as if she hadn't even been there. Huffing underneath her breath, she left the room and began her journey to the top floor. Once there, she was greeted by the smell of coffee and freshly printed warm paper. Gojo's secretary glanced at her and rolled her eyes. Hela tensed up, her mouth was about to open to ask— but Gojo's voice coming from his office called out to her, interrupting what she had to say. Turning on her heel, she disappeared into his large office. He sat behind his black desk, a cup of coffee on his hand and a visible smile greeting her. He didn't even have to say Good Morning, his annoying smile had already done it for him anyway.

"Good Morning, may I ask where my office went?" she tilted her head to the side and eyed him cautiously as he stood up. "Your new office is in here, with me." he gestured. In the corner there was a large L shaped desk, with a nice large computer, a fresh budding orchid plant with blood red flowers and her roses were placed to the side neatly. Scrunching her face and pinching the bridge of her nose, she was suddenly at a loss of words.

"Do you like it?" Gojo blinked. "Its nice.. I just do not understand why I was moved here, out of my department.. in your office." she rubbed her elbow. "Given the reputation you and Getou have, I think it will give everyone the wrong idea and it is not sitting well with me." staring him down, he shrugged casually. "I'll put an end to those rumors' if they surface - you're actually here because of how you have kept the attorneys wing afloat while manager Kim was away when he hospitalized, you were actually over qualified to have that silly promotion that you did not get.. we went to his office yesterday to scope you out and see if you were an adequate fit to manage the countless of files we get in for contracts when it comes to legal matters." he paused, "Plus, I had to fight Suguru to get you in my office, instead of his." Hela rolled her eyes. "You're in here for training, once things are set in stone you will have your own office on this floor and will have meetings with countless of executives who are interested in branching off their business with us, or other matters that have to do with contracts and filing financial and legal claims." Gojo leaned against his own desk, standing confidently in this black tailored suit. Hela stared at him and offered a smile, "Fine, I will take it." she approached him and took both his hands, they were soft and warm. He looked a little taken back by her approach and stared curiously with a smile, "Lets work hard, yes?" he closed his eyes with a soft smile, his eyes looking like small moon crescents "Yes, let's work hard Hela." he softly gripped her small hands while replying.

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