(4) The Video

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{Colby's pov)

I kept myself from shaking from the previous sleep-panic attack thing and waited for Sam to get back. Once he did, he handed the the glass of cold water and I took a big swig of it.

"Calm down," Sam said, but I barely listened. I drank the whole thing in a couple of gulps.

"You want some more water?" Sam asked, laughing. I chuckled.

"Yeah, that would be great, thanks," Sam laughed and took the cup from me and doing a silly walk out of the door like he was a waiter. I laughed at him and I heard him laughing in the hallway. He came back up with another glass of water with the same ice and I took a sip of it.

"I think I'm ready to do the video for the fans about my mom," even saying the sentence made my heart burn, but I didn't cry.

"You sure?" Sam asked, sitting next to me. I nodded.

"Yeah, let's just go ahead and tell the fans what's going on and tell them we'll be taking a break for a while." I said, smiling weakly at Sam. He smiled and nodded, understanding.

"Let's get the camera set up, alright?" Sam ushered me out the door, making jokes on the way.

He sat up the camera and sat on the couch, and I followed suit after turning the camera on.

"I'll start," I said. "3.2.1... What's up guys, It's Sam and Colby, and today, he have some, well, really unfortunate news.." I told the camera, and Sam continued.

{3rd pov}

"Pat Brock, Colby's mother," Sam looked over at Colby and saw him tearing up so he rubbed his back before continuing, "Has passed away of old age. It was a very peaceful death, she died in her sleep, and her funeral is tomorrow according to his family. So please don't be mad at us if we don't post for a while on most social media, we'll be taking a break." Sam explained in a solemn tone. Colby bounced his leg, tuning out the blonde but focusing on his touch.

"I hope she is doing well in heaven, we all loved her," Sam started to tear a bit up as well, but kept it together.

"Sam and Colby out," Sam said, putting a hand on the camera and turning it off.

"Was that good?" He asked Colby, wrapping his arms around him. He wasn't crying, but he also wasn't as held together as Sam, either.

"Yeah, yeah, you're fine, just.." Colby sighed,  and turned to Sam, hugging him tightly; a little too tightly.

"Thank you so fucking much," Colby said, letting go of his grip a bit so Sam could breathe.

"Ahh.. for what?" Sam asked.

"I don't know, being there? Being here, with me?" Colby said sarcastically.

"Well, that's what best friends do. We be there for each other," Sam said.

"But you've been there, Sam. And I can't thank you enough for that. There's no amount of money I would trade you for in the world. I would be homeless if it meant I could still be your friend," Colby said.


Colby cut him off. "I mean, c'mon, I don't remember the last time I helped you out of a bad situation, and here you are taking care of me like nobody's buissness. What makes you stay with me?" Colby asked genuinely.

Sam smiled, and held Colby close. There was a small pause before Sam spoke,

"You. All you. You saved me, but I know you don't know it. When you met me, I was at my lowest. I didn't know what to do with myself. But here came this goofy kid with brown hair and a welcoming energy basically swooped me off my feet and saved me from myself.." Sam paused again, "and that is the biggest favor you ever did for me. Not only that, but You're the best person I could ever ask for to be my best friend. Everything about you is perfect in my eyes, please, know that. I don't ever want to loose you." Sam said all of this like it was common knowledge, and Colby was speechless and on the brink of tears.

Colby didn't say anything, but instead he hugged Sam silently.

Silence speaks more than words. The two were both so happy and so heartbroken.

The two spent the rest of the day trying to get their minds off of things by watching movies and funny comedians and buying Doordash.

Sam posted on his other socials of the situation while Colby wasn't looking.

He got caught.

"What're you doing?" Colby asked, coming back with a glass of water and sitting next to Sam. He sighed, not even trying to lie.

"I'm posting about the situation on our other socials," Sam said, a guilty smile on his face. Colby set his water down and laughed.

"Sam, put the phone down and loosen up. Here, have some," He said, picking up what Sam thought was water.

"What is it?" Sam asked, confused now.

"Vodka," Colby asked.

"Colby, straight vodka? Isn't that dangerous?" Colby took a big gulp.

"Nahhhh, I'll be fine," He told the blonde. Sam gave in and got him a Whitelaw instead.

"Whatever. Just please be careful," Sam said, opening his can of poison and taking a swig which still made him make a face.

"Mm, it's good in its own way," Sam said, and Colby laughed.

The two continued drinking, goofing around, and watching a shit ton of Jeff Dunham and drama movies, but not even paying attention to them most of the time because of the alcohol.

Sam managed to barely get the last message on Facebook about the situation while Colby was gone onto there as he turned off his phone, wanting to do the editing in the morning.

There was a new meaning to the phrase "drink your pains away" that night. The two of them got so goddamn drunk that Sam fell asleep on the coffee table, and Colby slept next to him on the floor on a rugged carpet they've had for 10 years too long. They didn't mind though. The only thing that mattered is that they did it together.


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