(3) Guidance

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Sam had just finished up cleaning the guest's messes, and out all of the gifts that they received into places-- like if it was a picture, it would go on a shelf, sentimental peices as decor, food went in the fridge, and they even received a couch which he put in the garage. He heard footsteps, and got scared at first, but then just realized it was Colby.

He felt bad, thinking he was the one who woke him up, but then he realized that was basically impossible because of how hard a sleeper he is. He giggled to himself.

"What's so funny?" Colby asked, rubbing his eyes. His voice was deeper than usual because he just woke up.

"Nothing, did you want something?" Sam asked, looking over at Colby.

Colby looked around, avoiding the question and looked at the clean downstairs.

"Shit, did you end up cleaning without me?" Colby asked, feeling bad.

"No, I actually wanted you to sleep instead of clean, you've had a rough week," Sam said, taking off the gloves he was wearing. He was a little of a germaphobe.

He threw the gloves away, and looked back at Colby, watching him stare Sam down. He became nervous.

"Uhm... do you need something?" Sam asked.

"Yeah.." Colby said walking up to Sam and picking him up.

"To sleep," Colby finished, beginning to walk up the stairs.

"Does that have to include me?" Sam asked, hanging onto Colby for dear life when he began walking up the stairs.

"Now it does," Colby answered simply.

"What does that even mean?" Sam asked, relaxing when they reached the top of the stairs and Colby walked into his room because the door was open. He kicked it closed and set Sam carefully on the bed, and jumped next to him.

Colby stayed silent and surprisingly left the teddy bear on his nightstand and instead clinged to Sam.

Sam smiled, and felt a little happy that Colby chose Sam over the most sentimental peice in this moment. Sam wrapped his arms around Colby.

"I would've thought you would want to bear to cuddle up with.." Sam said, laughing.

"Yeah, well.. You're warmer," Colby said. Sam could tell he was dozing off by the sound of his voice, so he left it at that.

Once he heard soft snore come from the brunette, he looked down at Colby nuzzled into his chest and smiled. Sam kissed his forehead gently.

"Goodnight, Colbs.." Sam said, going to sleep himself.


Colby woke up early that morning. Not everything clicked at first. He laid there next to Sam, not wanting to move an inch in fear of waking up the blonde. So, he laid there with his eyes closed, until he heard a whimper come from the boy left to him. He looked up at the blonde and saw that he was crying.

"Sam..?" He scooched up a bit, now eye-level with Sam. Sam looked like he was sleeping normally except the constant stream of tears over his nose and onto his pillow.

Colby put a hand on Sam's arm and began shaking him gently.

"Sam.. hey.. wake up.." He said, his voice a little scratchy.

Sam was a light sleeper, so he woke up easily. His beautiful blue eyes opened gently, glazed over.

"What..?" He asked. He was talking normally.

"Why are you crying..?" Colby asked. Sam brought a hand up to his face and wiped his eyes.

"I.." he trailed off and sat up, wiping the rest of the tears with his sleeve.

"I don't remember.." He said, looking back at Colby and smiling once he realized the worry of his face.

"It's okay.. it was probably nothing. You wanna sleep in? I don't feel like getting up today," Sam laughed.

Though skeptical, Colby did wanna sleep in. He smiled softly, too.

He laid back down and opened his arms.

"Yeah, c'mere," Colby made grabbed hands which Sam thought was adorable. Sam laid onto Colby's chest and laughed.

"The fans will understand," Sam laughed.

"Of course they will," Colby answered, rubbing Sam's back, sending him back into a peaceful sleep.

Colby closed his eyes, but didn't go to sleep. He thought of how everything that had happened up until that point.

Two boys starting a 'buissness' together on a new platform called YouTube, fighting a lot but believing in each other and their seperate abilities, somehow they made it work. Their parents set a goal and they crushed it and moved out to LA, where they lived together in an apartment and struggled until they got to success. Things were really booming when they got to the traphouse, and started to level out when they got betrayed by Elton and stopped associating with him, Elton, Corey and Brennen.

Then, they started ghost hunting-- their real calling. Colby enjoyed ghost hunting and making others believe in ghosts as much as they did, and exploring and respecting the paranormal.

All of the struggles the two of them faced, and their bonds were tighter than ever.

Colby didn't know what to do with himself. He didn't know if he loved his best friend as a best friend or a lover, and he didn't know how to figure it out-- and with all that's going on, he didn't know if it even mattered at the moment.

His mind was foggy. His mind started jumbling up things and all of the stuff he'd have to deal with, the funeral for his mother, the video he'd have to make, he couldn't do it. He felt useless.

Fuck, he was useless, the way he saw it. It was always Sam who came through, it was always him who knew what to do, and here he was just freaking the fuck out.

"Colby..?" Sam asked.

Why was he like this? A fucking failure? How could his mom be proud of him?

"Colby..!" Sam said, louder.

No, she's probably too scared to say she's disappointed in him, she was just lying to make him feel better, she--


Colby's eyes shot open. He felt his heart rate slow down from the scare Sam gave him by calling out his name.. wait, Sam?

Colby looked up at Sam, his breathing out of control and he couldn't control it. He began to freak out.

"Colby! Colby, Hey, shh shh, breath with me," Sam said, grabbing Colby's hand which was tensing up.

He watched his chest rise and fall and heard his breath being inhaled and exhaled as he tried to follow his pattern.

Colby let out shaky breaths and sharp inhales which be closed his eyes and tried to relax his body and focus on Sam's voice instead.

"Yeah, good job, it's okay, I'm here,"

Those words made me feel happy and warm. He opened his eyes finally.

"I'm sorry about that-- I don't know what happened.." Colby said.

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize.. do you need anything?" Sam asked.

"U-uhm, yeah, could I get some water?" He asked.

"Ice or no ice?" He asked, letting go of my hand and standing up.

"Ice, please," he said, and Sam nodded.

"Stay calm, I'll be right back," He said and he left the door open so he could see him going down the stairs.

I might love him..


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