New Arrangement

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"Ayanokoji over here" I came to the park and found Ichinose sitting on a bench waving towards me. I made my way over to her and sat next to her on the bench.

"Thanks for coming."

"Yeah of course this is important, we need to decide who's dorm we want to spend the rest of our first year in and other things like cooking and cleaning but I guess we can do that when we pick a dorm first.  I suggest we go with mine so you don't have to feel uncomfortable letting me in your room and my room is basically the same one that they gave us on the first day so I have nothing to show for it."

"Really? Will that be alright with you Ayanokoji? I'm really grateful for that. So what time should I bring my things over so we can start this exam of ours?"

"Anytime that's convenient for you is fine by me. Let's try to get top 10 couples so I can switch with Kushida in this exam."

"Oh yeah I suppose you would want to be with your girlfriend. Well then let's both try our best Ayanokoji!" Ichinose then left me to go and get her things while I decided to go grocery shopping for tonight's dinner as I wasn't only going to cook for myself anymore.

I thought it would be nice if I invited Kushida to come grocery shopping with me as a way to lift her mood which would allow us to spend some time with one another.

Hey you want to come grocery shopping with me?

Right now? Don't you have to meet up with Ichinose and discuss your plans?

Already done, there wasn't much to discuss we simply decided on my room and she's gone to bring her stuff over while I planned on going grocery shopping for tonight's dinner. What about you? How were things with Sudo?

Horrible, he didn't want to let me come in his room because he said he has 'important stuff' in there and of course I couldn't allow him to come in my room. So I'm giving him time right now to go and properly order his 'important stuff'. Yeah let's go on a grocery shopping date it's a lot better than waiting around for Sudo to finish cleaning up, meet you in the lobby in 10 minutes.

Alright sure.

I decided to head to the lobby and wait for Kushida there. After about 10 minutes she arrived in the lobby through the lift and as soon as she saw me her sour mood that she displayed over text had disappeared immediately.

"Not like you to invite a girl on a date even if it's your own girlfriend Ayanokoji."

"Well people do tend to change over time it's only natural. Us as humans will always either evolve further as the superior species that we were meant to be or regress as humans and fail to reach our expected potential. Those who can constantly evolve from any situation are truly worthy of being called special."

"Yeah alright my genius boyfriend how about less talking and more hand holding?" As she said this Kushida grabbed my hand and we started heading towards the mall. On the way to the mall she stared telling me about different people in our grade that came up to her and started sharing their secrets to her. Kushida's biggest strength is her ability to attract people towards her and get them to easily trust her enough to share their deepest secrets like a priest listening to confessions in a church.

We arrived at the mall and I opted to go for the small grocery store that's opened up recently on the second floor rather than the main one that everyone goes to since it's probably going to be crowded as always right now.

"Wow I didn't even know that a grocery store had opened up on the second floor"

"Yeah it's not very popular with people but it still has everything I need so I prefer to do my shopping from here rather than the crowded one downstairs."

"Efficient as always Kiyo, I wonder just how efficient can you be when it really matters?" She gave me a slight smirk but I didn't understand what she meant. I believe it was better that I remained quiet instead of asking her what she meant by that.

We entered the store and I started looking around at things unsure of what to make. Should I make steak with mashed potatoes and fries to welcome Ichinose into my dorm with a bit of style? Or should I go for something rather simple and easy to make in order to save myself some time?

"Hey Kushida what do you think would be a good meal to make when welcoming a guest into your home?"

"You're pretty stoked about Ichinose living with you huh?" Yeah I suppose it wasn't the smartest idea to ask your girlfriend about what to cook for another girl but I did need her opinion as I myself was unsure what to make.

In the end I decided on making steak and bought the necessary ingredients for it. I exited the store with Kushida next to me.

"Hey you better make that for me too sometime got it? It's so unfair that I never ate my boyfriend's cooking but she's going to eat it before me."

"Don't worry I'll make anything you want me to make."

"That's why I love you, you big adorable dummy." As she said this she brought my towards her's and kissed me.

I had to admit after all the time I have spent around her, Kushida is the only person in the world that makes me want to spend every second of my time at this school just being next to her. She became someone who is able to make me enjoy her company rather than just being another person in my life, this girl next to me is someone special I'm sure of it.

As I was walking with Kushida towards our dorms I could see her disappointment at this date ending.

"Hey Kushida, try your best to reach the top 10 with Sudo so we can switch with one another and then you can eat my cooking everyday whatever you want I'll make it for you." I decided to put a little incentive in her working hard during this test in order to push her into succeeding.

"Ok I'll hold you to that promise then." As she said this she ran towards her own dorm or more accurately Sudo's dorm while I made my way to mine.

As I arrived at my dorm I saw Ichinose waiting outside of it, I forgot she didn't have a key with her and I probably made her wait for a long time because of it.

"I'm sorry I made you wait Ichinose, I was out for a grocery run and completely forgot you didn't have a key with you."

"It's ok Ayanokoji I wasn't waiting that long." I knew she was lying just to be polite but I figured it was useless to further question her.

"Come in" I unlocked my dorm and helped her move her stuff inside. We were each given a dorm with two bedrooms but since I didn't see the need to make the other room into a storage like most people I decided to leave it as it is and for that reason it was quite convenient for Ichinose to move in without having the trouble to rearrange any bedroom.

"You hungry?" After we were done moving her stuff inside I decided it was a good time to make dinner.


"Alright dinner is on me then."

"Ouuu what are you making?"

"Steak with mashed potatoes and fries."

"No fair Ayanokoji you just increased my hungry by ten fold so now you better make it fast."

"Yeah you got it."

I then made dinner and we ate it while discussing numerous things about our school and class situations. As we were finished with our dinner we both received a text.

Watch a movie together while sitting next to your partner.

It was from the school I guess this was the first task we were assigned to complete with one another.

"So what movie should we watch?"

Part 17 ends here:

Let me know what you guys think.

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