The King and his Queen

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I woke up after sleeping for a while, I guess that island exam really wore me out. I checked the time and it was 7:00 pm. I tried getting out of bed but a pair of arms were wrapped around me. Oh yeah that happened I had almost forgot that we were now actually together.

Kushida was sleeping next to me with her arms tightly wrapped around my body. I gently tried waking her up and then she finally opened her eyes and stretched in a cute manner.

"Hmm Good morning"

"It's actually afternoon now we slept for quite a long time"

"Yeah but it was the best sleep I've had in a long time what about you Ayanokoji?"

"Yeah same for me it felt..peaceful." For the first time I slept at peace I had nothing on my mind except for the fact that I was next to the person who I cared for the most in this world.

"Alright now let's go and spend our remaining time on this cruise together doing everything a couple should do!" She became really excited suddenly I think this is the first time I've seen her like this.

"And what exactly do couples do?" I was still clueless on this dating thing as I had zero experience beforehand to excel at be a boyfriend.

"You know go on a date where they do whatever they want and just enjoy things together and with us being on this luxurious cruise ship I think we will have a lot to do."

"Alright let's go then"

"Wait make sure you wear your swimsuit before going because I wanna play in the pool with you." She talked like a child excited to do something she's been wanting to do for a long time.

We left our room holding hands but this time it wasn't for show I actually wanted to hold her hand and she felt the same. We arrived near the pool area on the first floor and I went to the mini bar first as I was thirsty as Kushida met up with a few of her friends.

I saw a familiar face sitting on a chair near the mini bar. As I approached her she saw me as well and motioned to a seat next to her that was empty.

"Hello Ichinose"

"Hello Ayanokoji, you also came to enjoy the view that this cruise brings us right?"

"Yeah something like that"

"How was the exam for you Ayanokoji?"

"Not too bad, what about you Ichinose?" The exam was a little rough for me as I had to take care of my necessities alone without Kushida's help and I also didn't want to spend any of our points trying to survive but overall it wasn't hard.

"It was really rough for me I am not a nature person is what I determined from this exam hehe." As we were talking I felt a sharp gaze at me and as I looked at which direction it was coming from I saw Kushida by the pool looking at me with a murderous intent.

I wanted to test something I read about on the internet. I read that woman get easily jealous when you talk with another female in their presence but I didn't believe that before because why would they become jealous from a guy conversing with the opposite gender but I'm starting to see that there might be some truth to that statement.

In order to further test this theory I decided that I would lure Ichinose closer to the pool area where Kushida is to see how much more can I make her jealous of my friendship with Ichinose.

"Hey Ichinose you want to talk by the pool, this way we can enjoy the water and the view at the same time."

"Hmm I see that's a really good idea Ayanokoji! Let me quickly go and change in my swimsuit then I'll meet you by the poolside." She had hesitated at first but now it seems like she's completely on board.

I walked to the pool area and started waiting for Ichinose to show up. Meanwhile Kushida took this opportunity to walk over to my side apparently really mad at my action of inviting Ichinose to the pool.

"What are you doing?" She broke her smiling face facade and looked at me with anger and jealousy.

"What do you mean?" I decided to play dumb for a little longer.

"Why did you just invite that bitch to the pool with you? Are you just into melons without brains? So it was true, woman really do get jealous like this.

"You know that Ichinose is smart as she is attractive right?" That comment seemed to piss her off further.

"She's only academically smart otherwise she isn't very strategic or a quick thinker."

"Unlike you I know" I decided to compliment her in order to calm down her anger and it seemed to work a little.

As I was thinking I suddenly lost my balance and fell backwards into the pool, it was cold at first but my body quickly started to get used to the temperature. When I opened my eyes I was underwater and I saw Kushida coming towards me, she looked like a mermaid who dazzled so brightly that it felt like the water was made to compliment her beauty. She pulled me towards her and gave me a mischievous kiss one that told me three simple words: "you are mine" and I couldn't do anything except simply agree to those words.

I was disappointed when she pulled me above the water because to me the place below felt like a world that belonged solely to me and her and I didn't want to let that world go not for a little longer at least.

"I'm not going anywhere I'll be right here and we have all the time in the world because this world whether above or below belongs to us." She said this apparently reading my thoughts and I simply smiled back at her.

"Sorry Ayanokoji I took so long" Ichinose came back from the changing room and looked at me with confusion as to why I was in the water.

"I lost my balance and fell in"

"Hahah that's not like you to be clumsily Ayanokoji, either ways let's go play over there my friends are inviting us"

"Um alright sure" I said that but I didn't want to go, I wanted to be next to her right now as we started walking I looked around to search for her and there she was just smiling at me. 

This girl is dangerous for me.

Part 11 ends here:

Sorry for the late update

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