Partner system

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Kushida's Pov:

I woke up this morning in a slightly better mood then before, was it because of the fun date I had with my boyfriend yesterday? Probably not there is no way I'm happier due to him because he's the reason why my troubles at this school continue, him and her both are the biggest threats out there to me.

Either ways I should stop thinking about this for right now as I have to get ready and arrive to school a bit earlier than usual since today Horikita and Hirata are going to give me reports on how we should proceed with this exam and then it will be up to me to create our partner system. Honestly I was hoping to assign Horikita to someone like Sudo or Ike so they can drag her down but Ayanokoji has made me realize it would be a foolish move. I need to proceed carefully with those two because something tells me that Ayanokoji is hiding a lot more than how his face actually looks, he's special I can just tell he isn't like the others in this place.

As I get ready for school I remember what Ayanokoji asked me yesterday: "Want to pair up with me Kushida" I mean he actually made the first move towards asking me, I was surprised at first but I realized I also wanted to partner with him for this exam. This way I can get closer to him and learn more about him and exactly how "special" he is after all.

I made my way towards the school and entered the building. As I was heading towards my class I ran into the last person I wanted to see today but I guess I was gonna meet up with her soon enough.

"Good morning Horikita how are you today?"

"Cut the crap you don't need to pretend there is no one at the school right now except for a few people"

"But you know the walls have ears in this school you never know who might be listening to our conversation." Uh god I hate her know it all attitude so much she subconsciously looks down on me each time or maybe she does it on purpose either ways she's annoying and a bitch.

As we entered the classroom we found Hirata there already waiting for the both of us.

"Good morning Hirata how are you today?"

"I'm good Kushida and what about you? Also good morning Horikita"


"Either ways let's start this meeting" going around in circles saying good morning was becoming a pain.

"Yeah ok sounds good, first up let's start with Horikita's plan on how to win this exam and then I will share our classmates thoughts on who they want to pair up with and who they absolutely don't want as a partner that way you can make the final decision Kushida." Uh it's such a pain working extra to put these idiots into appropriate pairs but let's hear Horikita's genius plan which I'm sure Ayanokoji is behind like always.

" Well to begin this test is created to test our teamwork despite us barely knowing each other for that long. Having said that there are other factors involved to this test then just teamwork, we need to rely on our athletic classmates in this test and pair them up with the physically weaker ones because it is also about endurance. This test requires us to find a perfect balance between teamwork and endurance meaning that if one of the partners is unable to be an athletic asset to the duo then they need to take care of other things like setting up tent and organizing supplies or making a bonfire. The other partner should be left in charge of finding food or what place is best fit to stay the next and other things that only they can do. In order to win we need to find the best combinations between our classmates and that is left up to the leader of the class to decide."

"Well said Horikita I was thinking the same thing regarding this test." Hirata sure has high praise for someone didn't even come up with this idea herself.

"Now it's my turn. Well regarding our class situation we are quite limited on the athletic classmates while the ones who are physically weak are a lot of people in this class. So we need to start by pairing the strongest with the weakest first which I'm sure you both know are Sudo and Sakura. That being said I have heard a lot of girls complaining about being paired up with any boy especially Ike, the only one who didn't seem to mind being paired with him was Shinohara. Well I can take care of kei I need you Horikita to pair up with someone among the boys or girls who you can determine won't pass the test with being with someone athletic and also Kushida I need you to do the same thing it would be a great help if we can partner up and support our physically weaker classmates."

"I'm already paired up with my boyfriend I'm sorry Hirata"

"Yeah I guess it would be natural for you two to pair up together"

"But you both have given me really valuable information now I feel like we can formulate the best possible pairs from our class and win this exam" I started to get an idea on the type of pairing our class should go with and after an hour I formed all the pairs in our class with Hirata and Horikita and submitted it to Chabashira sensei while I also informed her that me and Ayanokoji are dating so we would share a tent together even though I have no intent with sleeping in the same tent as him I would prefer if he slept outside and got killed by wild wolves or something.

Back to Ayanokoji's Pov:

Last night after I came back from my date with Kushida I texted Horikita letting her know that I returned back to my dorm.

'I'm back to my dorm so what did you want to talk about?'

'Good I wanted to ask your opinion on this exam and what the purpose of it is'

'Well what do you think this exam was created for?'

'Teamwork between classmates'

She has gotten better at understanding the special exams but she still can't see the full picture yet. I need to tell her the entire meaning behind this exam and how to win it from a class perspective so she can relay that information to Kushida tomorrow when they meet each other. I had also asked her to let me know when the meeting finishes tomorrow and what happened during it.

'It's done'

I received this text as I was getting ready for school. It seems like their meeting finished.

'How did it go?'

'Alright everything proceeded accordingly I even made sure to do that little task you told me about yesterday'

'Alright thank you Horikita see you at school'. Now that everything is set in motion I just need to wait until the special exam starts to lure him out in the open and then I will deal with him then and there in order to remove this poisonous root from our class.

Part 5 finishes here:

Let me know what you guys think of the story so far.

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