The Snake and The Hyena

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After our discussion ended I started to get up and leave the classroom but was stopped abruptly by a voice that came from behind me.

"Wait a minute Ayanokoji didn't we agree to go on a date after class why are you going ahead without me, honestly so mean" Kushida made a cute pouting face as she looked at me and that made Ike's anger increase a lot more than it already was. Ike kicked a desk and stormed outside the class while Sudo followed him looking just as annoyed by all of this.

Horikita came up to me wanting to talk in private but I doubt I can do that with Kushida in the middle of all of this. So I decided to text her letting her know that we can talk later when I go back to my dorm after my little "date" with the devil. She replied with ok and then left the classroom as well.

"So where do you want to go Kushida" I asked her where she wanted to go so we can quickly wrap up this fake date of ours and I can go back to my dorm.

"How about we start by walking around the mall and having a little chat?" Now I realized why she was so insistent on this date of ours, it's probably because Kushida realized I was the one behind all of these events today and she probably wanted to ask me why I did this or vent out her anger.

After the special term exams where Sudo was failing and I managed to acquire the previous term papers, Kushida had started to formulate the opinion of a hidden genius regarding me and started suspecting the fact that like her I too had a hidden side. At first I flat out denied this claim of hers but she didn't budge on her theory believing herself to be correct. After her true face got revealed to me I also decided to reveal a little of myself to her yesterday night. After looking at my face a twisted smile had come across her face.

"So there is someone in this school like me after all huh? That's quite the handsome face you made there Ayanokoji." She looked at me with a look that can't be described as love but in a twisted way I guess you can call it that to. Me and her were both attracted to the real faces we showed each other finding comfort in the fact that we were alike.

As we started to walk around the mall Kushida grabbed my arm and pushed herself close to me so no one else can overhear our conversation.

"So why do you want me to be the class leader, you know you are giving me the power I need to expel you and Horikita if I wanted to right? Are you actually not as smart as I thought you were Ayanokoji?"

"You can't try to expel me and her in this exam since their is no expulsion and even then if you tried to you will be blamed for the loss of four classmates because of your poor judgment as a leader. Surely you don't want all those fans of yours in there to believe your actually some incompetent leader who couldn't do her first job right"

"Well played but you do know know I will have too many opportunities even after the exam to expel you both and now you will have to live with a target on your back that was still a foolish move by you Ayanokoji" She may believe she's got exactly the type of power she needs to expel me and Horikita but that type of power does not bother me in the slightest and I can choose to expel her in a much easier way now that she is in that position.

"You can try but I'll tell you now you won't ever be successful and all your efforts will be nothing but a foolish way to waste your time."

"Damn you cocky bastard" She almost broke her smiling face facade for a second before realizing we are supposed to be on a date outside. After taking a moment to regain her cheerful self Kushida decided to drop this subject of discussion.

"Well now that I am supposed to be on a date with you let's enjoy ourselves shall we boyfriend"

"Kushida why do you hate me? I mean I never did anything to you now did I so why then with the useless hatred?" I wanted to know why she puts so much energy into hating me and Horikita when she can use that energy to climb much much higher in the class rankings.

"I don't hate you Ayanokoji well it's more like I have to hate you because you saw me, the ugly side of me so I have no choice but you view you as a threat because I can not have anyone in this school know about this side of mine never and that's why you and Horikita both need to go." I guess to her this approach makes a lot of sense but I wanted to tell her how pointless her thinking is, I wanted to let her know that I want to help her accept this part of herself because after all Kikyo Kushida can end up becoming the greatest student in this whole school if I can just mold her that way. I need her to trust me more and to gain that trust I don't know right now what I should do but I guess I can start by enjoying this date of ours.

Kushida ended up dragging me all over the place for our date. At first we went to the cafe where she talked to me about the people in our class and who had the worst secrets among them. Since she already viewed me as someone who knows the truth about her I guess she started to use me to vent out her stress as well. I occasionally put my input in the conversation sometimes agreeing with her on certain opinions like Ike has no human value whatsoever and we should expel him as soon as possible with a good reason of course because I doubt our classmates would accept the truthful reason behind his expulsion, they all like to play the morally correct human role a little too much.

After our long conversation at the cafe we went to watch a movie of Kushida's choice. Turns out she's really into horror and gore type of movies because the movie was no short of both of those elements. Still it was an enjoyable experience because this is the first time in my life I ever watched a movie and with a girlfriend none the less.

It was seven by the time we got out of the movie so we decided to get dinner before heading home. We talked about all kinds of meaningless stuff during dinner ranging from her favourite stores to shop at to the type of swimsuit she likes best to wear. As we were talking I realized how fun today had been for me, I genuinely enjoyed being on a date with her as she put the fun in every activity we did. Even though I know she's like a snake who bites anyone who sees her shed her skin I also realized I'm like a hyena who does whatever is necessary to satisfy it's survival, I guess in this regard me and her are really alike to each other.

"Hey wanna partner up with me during this exam Kushida, I honestly had a lot of fun today and I believe we can work well together on this exam." As we were talking I decided to ask her to partner up with me during this exam where I can get her to trust me more as we become partners.

"Now this is a surprise Ayanokoji, you asking me to partner up with you? Well sure I guess I was gonna ask the same thing sooner or later since today was also enjoyable for me as well but remember this doesn't change the fact that I need to remove you from my path."

"Yeah I know but I guess now we are partners to each other so it's gonna be interesting working with you." 

"Same here"

Part 4 ends here;

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