2 Prodigies

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It was time for the final race, from year 1 Class D was racing, from year 2 Class B was racing and from year 3 Class A was racing. Our class was the underdog of this race as we were going against two prodigies that single-handedly made their classes rise to the top without any help from any of their classmates.  The favourites were of course Horikita Manabu's Class A with almost the whole school expecting them to win except the year 2s as they bet on Nagumo to win. We had a class huddle before the race began with Kushida, Horikita and Hirata offering words of encouragement to the whole class.

"Even though we wouldn't be able to come far in this race without Ayanokoji's help, we can't solely rely on him each of us that are running this race must pull our own weight, I must pull my weight and I promise you guys I won't drag us down."

"You all just need to calm down and pace yourselves no need to try and act like cool heroes since you all know your own abilities better than anyone here so try and work to your strengths and don't have unnecessary stress about how big of a lead you need to give us." Kushida twitched a little at Horikita's words but I had to agree with her, as humans we tend to get really caught up in our head and then we formulate unrealistic expectations from ourselves and those around us this leads to our inability to even perform to the best of our abilities since we look at the sky and not the rope we are walking on in life.

"Everyone just try their best we have come far and there is no consequences to losing so go with a cool mind and fight with all you have" leave it to Hirata to reassure and support people.

After the pep talk with my class I went to take my position as the race was about to begin. At the anchor position I met Horikita Manabu and Negumo already immersed in conversation.

"Come on senpai you think that first year is worthy of your time? He's a nobody, no one has ever seen him do anything impressive until this race."

"Negumo people's opinions do not determine a person's individual value that is left for each individual to decide for themselves"

"Speak of the devil there he is" they both turned around to look at me approaching them.

"Ayanokoji as expected well done in coming this far despite your defective class holding you back, now we can finally have our fated battle"

"Yeah but before we get started I just have one word of advice for you."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Run with all of your strength"

"Ha that's amusing"

"Hey hey hey don't go having all the fun by yourselves now let me in on this competition."

"Alright then, a three way race it is" I also kind of wanted to see Negumo's abilities to determine if he would be a threat to me in the future.

Then the race began. Sudo took the lead for Class D early on but this time it wasn't by a large margin as Class A and B students were right behind him slowly catching up. It continued that way despite Sudo's best efforts to increase our lead by a bigger margin and then he eventually had to pass the baton to Onodera who took and sprinted with her whole might but the other class A and B girls left her in the dust as they were just way too fast. The race started to turn in favour of Class B as they were in the lead when the baton was passed to the third runner with Class A shortly behind and Class D severely trailing behind. As the baton got passed to Kushida we were already really behind in this race but Kushida made her best effort to close out the distance and she managed to do it slightly but the other runners weren't giving her a chance to catch up. The race was approaching our end with Class B still in the lead and the baton reached Negumo first but instead of running he simply thanked the runner from his team and waited.

The whole school was left confused by this action and people started whispering to each other wondering why Negumo hadn't started running. After a short time Horikita Manabu was also passed the baton but instead of running he did the same thing as Negumo and waited. Everyone wondered what he was waiting for but only Negumo and I knew the answer to that question.

"Hey what's going on?"

"Why did they stop"

"You guys are ruining the race come on start running"

Angry noises and yelling could be heard from everywhere as the crowd became impatient with waiting. The teachers had started to walk towards us probably to tell us to run but we didn't need them telling us what to do as Kushida finally arrived at the finish line and passed me the baton, the real race begins now.

"Since he's finally gotten the baton shall we begin?" Negumo raised the question that was on everyone's mind.

"Yeah let's go"

And we were off, each of us running at full speed cutting through the wind with the noise of the crowd drowned out by the sound of the wind and our own breathing. I was focused more focused then I have ever been because in this moment I had found people, two people that could keep up with me in something and I wanted to enjoy every moment of this race. We ran, we ran our hearts out as we looked at each other, we could all understand what we were feeling and thinking: "I wish this race doesn't end so fast" as we were already approaching the finish line. We covered our distance so quickly as the finish line was already in sight and all three of us tied neck to neck with one another. I wanted to push myself everyday to become even better but ever since I got out of that room, nothing in life has pushed me to become better than I was before as that man would call it I was the "perfect human" but I knew that wasn't true because there is always room for improvement in us humans we are always lacking in something and in these circumstances where I was pushed to my limit it finally forced me to evolve and surpass myself. I was forced to evolve during this race and that evolution helped to get ahead of the two prodigies.

"You think you can get ahead of us just like that!!!" They both said in unison as they almost fully closed the distance I had created but by then it was too late as we passed through the finish line with me coming in first place.

Part 14 ends here:

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