Chapter Three: Lilith and Rin the Kuchiki-Kurosaki twins

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Walking into the building the two made their way to Kurotsuchi's lab. They walked in, greeting Sajin, the captain of squad seven. He greeted them back and continued standing in the corner. "Ah, there you two are, I was wondering if I was going to have to send Nemu to go get you" Kurotsuchi joked twisting his chair around to give Ichigo and Byakuya his full attention. "Now I'm sure you know why you're here" he stated raising an eyebrow, Ichigo and Byakuya both nodded, Kurotsuchi chuckled a bit grabbing two syringes, he gave one to his lieutenant, he ordered her to get Ichigo's blood while he got Byakuya's. Nemu nodded and went up to Ichigo rolling his sleeve up so she could stick the syringe in his arm. Once she filled the syringe with his blood she took it out of his arm and gave it to her captain who was already finished with getting Byakuya's blood.

He dismissed them once he told them that he'll be done creating their children in two weeks, they nodded and got up to leave but Ichigo stopped to make one last request. "Could you make them not to young but not to old?" He asked one foot out the door, Kurotsuchi glared at him for a second and smiled "sure, I like a nice challenge once and a while" he chuckled "now leave so I can get started already" he demanded, shooing Ichigo off. Ichigo rolled his eyes and left. "You ready to go back now" Byakuya asked waiting outside for Ichigo, Ichigo glared at his husband "yeah, let's get going already" he grumbled shunpoing it back to the Kuchiki manor.

They walked into the manor taking off their shoes and was greeted by the servants who was waiting for their return before they were dismissed. "Ichigo, what's wrong, you seem to be troubled by something" Byakuya was genuinely concerned about his husband's behavior, Ichigo stopped and looked back at Byakuya "it's nothing don't worry about it" Ichigo snapped back and walked to the direction of his and Byakuya's shared room. Byakuya was surprised at Ichigo's answer "Ichigo tell me what's wrong with you, now" Byakuya spoke, anger was hinted in his voice. Ichigo stopped in his tracks and turned around eyeing his husband.

"Do you really wanna know, Byakuya Kuchiki?" He said venomously, walking back towards Byakuya. His husband nodded his head for his response weary of the anger spiking in Ichigo's reiatsu. "Fine then, I'll tell you" Ichigo began, walking a bit closer before coming to a stop a little bit away from Byakuya.

"I'm here instead of at my house with my family and friends, I had to marry a century old man just because some stupid council said so, they tell me that they appreciate me for everything that I've done for the soul society and they up and do this, and on top of that even though we just got married today, they wanted us to bare heirs for them like are you fucking kidding me, I can't help but to be a little troubled Byakuya because today was so damn stressful that I don't even know what to think at this very moment, I'm seventeen married to a man old enough to be one of my ancestors and then some, and we're going to have a child in two weeks...Byakuya, I just wanna go home...I miss Yuzu and Karin my dad...and my friends...I just wish I was home right now..." Ichigo cried, at first he was furious but now he was just sad. He looked into Byakuya's eyes as tears streamed down his face, he tried to will them away but he just couldn't stop crying, all the pent up emotions he had dormant since a week ago was finally showing face and he couldn't stop it. He placed his palms over his eyes and just silently cried into them.

Byakuya was stunned at first but he soon ran up and embraced the crying boy. They stood there for about ten minutes while Ichigo let go of his emotions until he fell asleep in his husband's arms. Byakuya swept Ichigo off of his feet and carried him to their bedroom. He took Zangetsu off of Ichigo's back and placed him up against the bedside table where he put his Senbonzakura.

He laid Ichigo down on the left side of the bed, he then got up and searched his closet for something that might fit Ichigo, when he couldn't really find anything that could fit Ichigo's body he locked eyes with a red yukata that was stashed in the very back of his closet. Grabbing it out of his closet putting the red colored silk on his bed he went up to Ichigo and started to undress him from his shihakusho. After he was done undressing his husband, he grabbed the red yukata and put it on Ichigo. He covered him with the sheets and gave the shihakusho to a maid named Emma who was called to the room, he told the girl to stay until he was done and she did as told.

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