chapter IV

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Today was  mehndi (a function done after mayon) everyone was sleeping peacefully as it was there vacations evans mom woke up to see that it was 12:00 . she came out of her to see the grandmothers gossiping about who was wearing what and who ate ate how much. There is nothing else they do other than gossiping though urwa .urwa greeted the grandmothers ." urwa now that u r awke wake up everyone else too" says one of the grandmothers (nani) . "yes I understand "says urwa and as soon as she said that ahads mom naila came downstairs and greeted everyone with a soft smile which made there heart melt. "Urwa u should go and start making the breakfast I will go wake up amarah so she can wake up everyone and then I will help u in the kitchen" says naila and urwa agrees with what she says . naila goes to wake up amarah . "amarah dear get up its already  late and u have to wake up the others to , is this usually u wake up abroad I will ask ahad" says naila . amarah wakes up and rubs her eyes ." yes ma I will do what u say "says amrah getting up from her bed and towards the bathroom . "good" says naila and kisses her cheek . naila goes out of her room and starts helping urwa in kitchen . amarah goes to ahads room and barges in . "ahad bhai wake up ma is calling for breakfast "says amrah to wake her brother up she knew he was awake so she did something evil. Her eyes spotted a glass that was half full . she took it . "ahad bhai if u do not wake up something bad is gonna happen  1…..2…….3……" says amarah and still ahad does not wake up so she pours the water on his face . ahad wakes up suddenly from his bed . "I hate u" says ahad to amarah in anger . "I love u too" says amarah as she heads towards izza s room . she barges in havoc waking izza up . "izza my sweet little cousin wake up I need your help "says amarah as she sits beside izza ."izza will u help me wake everyone up , I will go wake kai up cuz next is his room and u go wake the others." Amarah goes out of the room and to kai room she stops at the door ." should I barge in or should I knock ,no no why should I knock he will be asleep I should barge in" thought amarah and she soon as she was gonna open the door the door opend from the other side and kai came out . amarah was gonna fall on kai but she made her self fall backwards and hit her back ." why is this floor so hard" says amarah and hits the floor . kai laughs and amarah looks up . "u could ve fallen on me I would ve been not that hard "says kai and lends his hand to help amarah get up . as soon as amarah was gonna take his hand someone came ." ahm ahm what is happening here "says ahad . amarah gets up as soon as possible and kai was gonna say something that amarah interrupts. "less go ma is waiting for breakfast" . says amarah and holds her brothers hand and drag him outta there .they all do their breakfast .
3 hours later ………………….
Everyone was on their phones . amarah ,ahad ,kai, aria and masha were in one room  and sofiyaan, adil ,evan, hina ,umber and izza were in one room . amarah and masha were playng video games and aria was watching interviews of tom Holland and kai and ahad were talking about something important .evan was watching an anime (one piece) and hina umber and izza were watching a movie and sofiyan and adil were playing video games too. urwa barged in the next room scaring everyone and she saw everyone phones in their hands so she told them to get ready cuz u guys will take alot of time to get ready. everyone closed their laptop s except evan . "why r u not closing ur laptop " saya urwa . "cuz mom girls take more time in getting ready and we boys just have to shower and wear clothes and there is nothing else to do "says evan . sofiyaan gives him a thumbs up but he just slides it away . naila barged into the next room . "why r u all in your pajamas and kai u have to drop norah to parlour and pick her up too understood" says naila to kai . "yes maam understood" he answer .
1 hour later …………
Everyone came to the main lounch where everyone was sitting until kai came with the bride . on the other hand izza came out of the kitchen with a juice in her hand and aria was coming from the other side . they bupmed in to each other and the juice was all on aria s dress  the dress was ruined ." oh I am really sorry I didn’t mean to that was an accident "says izza knowing what kind of accident she did . "oh shit "says aria under her breath . "it is okay izza, go aria change ur clothes" says grandmother. "But grandmother I don’t have more I just bought till mehndi and thought taking the other dresses later" says aria . "it is okay ahad will take u to the nearest mall and buy u a new dress till then kai and norah wll also come "says naila . ahad take s aria into the car . "I am really s—"what r u being sorry for it is okay it was izza s fault don’t worry we will get their in time "ahad interrupts aria . aria throws a smile .
5 hours later …………..
Everyone came back and was really tired . they all threw them selves on the couch . and after some time they slept peacefully , dreaming about good things.
Everyone forgave each other and were happy the way they were . tomorrow will begin a new drama of this family .

Words : 1011
By: LizaWoods2

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