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Lance ordered from several places so we could taste the world all in one night. I picked my phone back up and sat on the couch waiting for our food to arrive.


Ok, that's fine I'll catch up with you when I see you in the garage. 

Do you want to pick me up from airport, Lance told me you stayed with him.

That sneaky little shit 

I actually can't, I can send someone for you though?

No reply, that usually means one of two things. Max was either busy or just plain ignoring me. I imagined it was more likely to be the other. I know I have a lot of explaining to do to Max, and I want him to explain why he's been in such a mood. Lance walked in soon after with some crazy smells from all the different takeout bags he had, we managed to get through most of the food and chatted about our favourite shows at the same time. I boxed up all the extra food and sent it with all the staff Lance had working tonight, they deserved a break too so he sent them home early. 

"Ok, so it's just us which means we can do it anywhere you know...on the table, on the counter, on the stairs..." Lance had that cheeky smile on his face again and those eyes that wouldn't let go of mine.

"I know that Lance, but I think I actually need to rest tonight, my ankle is killing me. Can we continue this another time?"

"Of course sweetheart, just name the time and place and I'll be there" He stroked my hair and helped me up before carrying me back up the stairs into my room. It was the comfiest bed I had ever lay in, maybe because it was made from like a gazillion springs and feathers, but at this moment I didn't care if it was made of hay, I just needed a good nights sleep to make up for the chaos of the last 24 hours and get myself back into the game before facing Max at the end of this week.

Thursday Press Day at Circuit

Lance drove me and his team to the circuit, but I made a quick exit so the paparazzi wouldn't catch me with him. I just know they would have a great time spewing more shit on my family name, so I do my best to protect it when I can. I headed back to the familiar sight of the RB garage, and grabbed a walkie talkie as usual but I still couldn't see Max anywhere. I sat up on the terrace again and loaded up some files that Rachel and Joe had forwarded me to review before they got posted. 

"Hey stranger" Joe caught me by surprise but thankfully he was alone, I came up to the terrace for some peace before the rush of media and press duties hit us tomorrow onwards. "You gonna tell me where you ran off to or no and why do you have a boot on your foot?"

"I'm sorry Joe, it all got too much for me last week. I could feel myself mentally giving up and physically I was exhausted, I came out here early and partied a little too hard, my ankle is broken in like 3 pieces"

"Jeez, remind me not to drink with you then" He passed me a red bull and we continued working up here for hours past the press conferences, I sent all my emails off for the day and replied to everyone who was concerned for my wellbeing since not being in the office since last week. Joe and I headed back down to the garage and I rested on one of the chairs the mechanics normally sit in during the races. "Nat I'm leaving now so I'll see tomorrow okay? I have some edits to finish so I'm going back to the hotel before the end of day rush hits the car park"

"I'll catch you tomorrow Joe, I'm just going to wait for Max a little longer" After saying those words, Joe left with a smile and I really did wait a while before spotting my brother adjoined to Rachel who was listing off his tasks for this weekend. She nodded when she saw me and led my brother over to come sit with me.

"Nattttt we have so much to catch up on, I promise I will sit and chat with you this weekend at some point, but I'm leaving your brother with you so I can head off to our media meeting with Horner"

"We really do have a lot to catch up on, but thank you, I will return him to you tomorrow" And just like that, she left us together, something I think I would regret soon enough. "So brother dearest, could you take me to the hotel?" Max sighs before helping me up

"You forgot to mention the broken ankle when I asked if you were okay" 

"Well I knew you'd be worried when I am actually fine except for the pain, so I waited till you were here in the flesh to see it"

Max helped me with my bags before leading me back to his car, on the way we passed the Strolls who were preoccupied in conversation. Lance glanced over and waved, but Max thought it was for him so he saved a smile for him. I carried on walking and kept a low profile, something that was pretty difficult when I am limping my way into the car.  Max played our usual car playlist and headed back to the hotel he came from, I got myself checked in and I was next door to my brother suite like usual. He dropped my bags into the room and left me to change, we had a difficult conversation ahead but I actually felt ready for it. He seems to have been pretty sympathetic for me since he saw my ankle, so I don't think he'll flip out too wildly when we speak.

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