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I find myself today sitting on a buggy in the middle of the green with a book in my hand and the sun shining over us
Max brought me along to their golf session because I think he felt bad I would be home alone again. But honestly I was happy to just be reading in the sun with a nice view.
Carlos and Lando both walked over with smiles slapped on their faces as they exchanged a look before approaching the cart.
"Nat can you swing?"
I look up in confusion whilst Lando patiently awaits my answer.
"Lando you know I can't play"
"We'll teach you c'mon!" He tugs my hand as I drop my book on my seat
After dragging my feet, we eventually made it to the tee set up by my lovely brother.

"Guys, I want you all to know, this is like my least favourite sport" I try to excuse what they are about to witness

"Lia just get on with it" Max sighs as he knows it's going to be embarrassing. I attempt a smile before giving it my all on my first swing, nearly tripping over my own two feet whilst doing so. I repeated this act 4 more times before Carlos stepped in to save me from my own imbalance, whilst his eyes were on the iron, his hand was on my hip, holding them just like the night before but this time he turned me to face my brother and Lando. Those two were so hung up in their own little conversation about the upcoming  race that they didn't realise Carlos and I had started having our own private game.

"Natalia just put your hands on the club and I'll help you with the swing part" "Do you trust me?"

I'm not sure if I have much choice here "yes of course" I reply quickly before he wraps his hands over mine and positions himself so my feet are between his. He's fairly tall and definitely bigger than me but he wraps around me before beginning to show me how to swing at the ball. I can feel him breathing over my shoulder, sending a shiver up my spine, I shift myself so he doesn't see the goosebumps he's given me.

"Okay so do you get it?" He looks hopeful as I still work out how to make the most of what we have just been practising

"Yes, I think I do now, but you might want to step back as I don't trust myself with this club in my hand" He let out a laugh whilst dramatically taking 5 steps back, reuniting himself with the others. I took one deep  breath before looking at the ball, I did exactly as Carlos had shown me and the next thing I saw was the ball flying over the hill and beyond our view.

"Woah Lia, how did you do that?"Max was just as shocked as I was. "Nat that was impressive, seriously" He looked over to Lando who looked just as shocked as him, whilst Carlos stood proud with a smile on his face, knowing he was responsible for such a beautiful shot.

"Guys stop staring at each other, we need to go and find my ball" I stroll over to the cart with Carlos who smirked before driving us over the hill. I do prefer these moments of peace with the boys compared to the packed-out paddock where I struggle to breathe through the crowds, being part of the RB team makes you even more popular than you can imagine. When I moved away from my thoughts, I noticed Carlos glancing at me over his sunglasses."Are you back on earth again Natalia" 

I didn't take him for the type to notice these things, but he has definitely surprised me recently. I am very confused by him though, why does he come across so flirty if he's happily dating someone, I need to back off because the last thing I want to be named in the paddock is a 'home-wrecker', people might start to believe it runs in the family.

Some hours later, myself and Max returned home, both tired and troubled by our loss at the golf course today.
"Lia will you be okay tonight? I have to fly out to Barcelona for some testing pre-race" Max does a lot of flights, but I choose to drive wherever I can because I don't particularly enjoy the air time.
"Do you need some help packing or no?" I've always been the more organised sibling but he's always been good when it came to travelling, I think he got used to it from the karting days
"Nah Lia I just need to know you'll be okay without anyone here?"
"M I'll be okay don't worry" "I might visit the factory if I get bored enough" I laugh but I don't really have anything better to do anyway.

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