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I headed to the factory today knowing Horner won't be there since he's huddled up with Max in Barcelona. I don't particularly enjoy that man's company, even if he brought my brother into the F1 world, something about him just doesn't sit right with me. So knowing he isn't going to be lurking made me a lot more excited to go back there, I usually visit once a fortnight to keep up with Max's media and events, that's kinda all I do now. I plan my life around Max's, although it sounds quite dull, I get the chance to meet some incredibly talented people whilst supporting my biggest supporter along his journey.

I head straight to the media offices where I find Rachel, Max's media officer, her job is too keep him in check during interviews where I can't be there to help. She works overtime to keep his professional appearances perfect, we don't want to give the press a reason to complain about Max, even if they're right to do so.

"Nattttt, I am so glad you're here! Max popped in before he flew out and wanted me to share some good news with you" She smiles whilst holding a heavy looking envelope, pushing it into my direction with that smile intact. I accept the envelope, not entirely knowing what it entails but I sense Max has been up to something behind my back.

"Rach what is it?" I am absolutely puzzled

"Just open it silly"

I start breaking the seal and pulling out what feels like a movie script, but it reads 'Redbull Media Contract' with my name in bold and a heavy list of people who have recommended  me for this role I didn't know I had applied for.

"Rachel do you want to fill me in on what's happening or do I seriously need to read this all?"

"We want you to work here! You are basically a member of the team but it would be good if you were getting paid for it don't you think?" She wasn't wrong, I take care of Max's media and sponsorships from home most of the time, I have loved the team spirit here so it doesn't seem like such a bad idea, I just wish Max was here to celebrate with me.

"I would love to Rachel, I think this is exactly what I needed" We smile together this time and just when I thought the surprises were over, the rest of the team joined us with balloons and cake with smiles all round. Some faces looked familiar like Joe's, he's been with the team since Max joined and we're a similar age so he knows what it's like when some companies don't even give you the time of day just because you're more junior.

"Officially, Welcome to the team Nat" He laughs because he also knew I had been long working for this team before the contract had been written up for me. He hands me another envelope, but this one is a lot smaller and lighter

"This was left for you at the office this morning, not sure who dropped it off but I didn't want it getting thrown out"

I thanked him and sat down for a minute just to process everything I have just signed up for. It's thrilling but scary at the same time, I don't want my role here to intervene with any progress Max makes here. I have been here long enough to know that foul play is never off the cards, whether that's towards other teams or within their own. After all the celebrations ended, I wanted to head home but got lost into my messages that flooded in once the insta post went live for my promotion into this role.

I saw one very interesting notification from none other than Carlos - 'Proud of you ❤️ ' Now why was he even paying attention to what I was getting up to.

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