Secret Admirer

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          ❤️Red X Heidi❤️

Requested by Astreoo
I actually really enjoyed writing this 🥺❤️



Red smiled to herself as she pulled a folded green piece of paper out of her locker.
Another note.
She unfolded it quickly, eyes scanning the paper excitedly.

I saw a beautiful red rosebush yesterday and thought of you.
One of the roses was the same color as your hair.
I thought about you for the rest of the day after that.
I love the sweater you had on yesterday. Purple looks beautiful on you. It really brings out the green in your eyes.
They're so beautiful. They sparkle when you smile.
Until tomorrow sweet girl.

       Love, Your Secret Admirer

Red traced the purple ink with her finger, smiling to herself as her heart raced. She'd been receiving notes like this for the last six months. She had absolutely no idea who it was, but she was pretty sure she was in love with them. Boy, girl, it didn't matter to her.
She sighed dreamily and slid the note into the pocket of her jeans.
She ran her hands through her shoulder length hair, pulling it back and securing it with a hair tie. Some of it fell forward to frame her face, but she shrugged it off and headed to class.


Heidi watched with bated breath as Red unfolded the note and read it, a soft smile on her face.
Heidi grinned to herself as she watched Red's face light up. She loved seeing her happy.
Her heart rate sped up as she watched the beautiful girl.
Today she was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, an oversized blue long sleeve shirt with little white stars that hung off one shoulder, and a pair of purple high tops. Her ears were adorned with triple piercings, an array of tiny stars and moons, and she wore a 90s tattoo choker around her neck.

Heidi sighed to herself as she watched Red put the note in her pocket and pull her hair back.
She wished more than anything that she could be walking next to the beautiful redhead, holding her hand.
But Heidi wasn't sure that was ever going to happen, she was too afraid to reveal herself as Red's secret admirer.
She hadn't dated anyone since Eric in the fourth grade and a lot of people never let her live it down.
She was always the dumb girl who'd fallen for Eric Cartman.

Maybe that's how her crush on Red had started. In 5th grade Red had started telling people to leave her alone. In sixth grade she'd started telling people off.
In seventh grade she started defending Heidi, reminding everyone that everyone had fallen for Cartman's crap at one point or another.
In eighth grade, her and Heidi had become pretty good friends.
By ninth grade Heidi was in love with her.

Now here she was, 15, and pining after a girl she wasn't sure she was ever going to admit her feelings to.
She shook her head sadly and walked to her first period class.


Red slid into an empty seat and pulled her sketchbook out of her backpack. It was third period and she had art class. She tapped her pencil impatiently against her desk, waiting for Heidi. It was the only class they shared together. Heidi was really smart and was in advanced placement classes with Kyle, Wendy, and the rest of the smart kids. Not that Red wasn't smart, just not advanced placement smart.

She grinned when she saw Heidi breeze through the classroom doorway, her long flowy green and white flowered sundress swishing around her feet.
She had on a white cardigan and the headband that held her long light brown hair back, matched her dress.
Red smiled as Heidi's hazel brown eyes lit up as she spied Red.
Heidi sat in the empty seat next to her and pulled out her sketchbook, angling it away from Red.
Red sighed, pouting. Heidi never let her see what she was drawing. It wasn't actually a big deal, but Red was curious.
Giving up, she flipped open her own sketchbook.
"So how was your morning?"
Heidi's voice was quiet, trying not to attract the teacher's attention.
Red shrugged, smiling as she added another line to the sketch she was working on. "Pretty good."
She never did tell Hiedi about the notes. She wasn't entirely sure why.
Probably because they weren't the overly sharing kind of friends. Red wished they could be closer, but Heidi had a tendency to keep people at arms length. Not that Red could blame her.
She studied the girl next to her, careful not to look at Heidi's sketchbook. She wouldn't betray her trust like that.
She smiled at the look of intense concentration on Heidi's face as she worked.
Heidi was beautiful, inside and out. She was the kind of person who truly cared about people and the things she believed in.
Red had actually wanted to ask her out when they were thirteen, but she didn't even know if Heidi liked girls and had feared being rejected at the time.

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