In Your Dreams

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               Stan X Kyle

It was Saturday evening and Kyle was hanging out with Stan, after his date with Nichole.
They had just come upstairs and sat on the bed, Stan turning towards him.
"So how did it go?"
Kyle sighed heavily. "I don't know dude. Probably not very well."
"Why do you say that?" Stan was looking at him curiously.
"After I walked her home, we kissed. Then she said we should hang out again sometime. Not go out. 'Hang out'."
Stan patted his shoulder. "Maybe she just didn't want to pressure you."
Kyle shrugged. "I don't know man, I don't think it's going to happen. The crazy part is I'm not even that upset about it."
Stan looked at him thoughtfully.
"So how was the kiss?"
Kyle sighed and flopped backwards on Stan's bed.
"It was nice I guess."
He rubbed his hand over his face. "Maybe I'm just meant to be alone forever."
Stan looked at him sternly.
"Don't say that Ky. Anyone would be lucky to have you."
Kyle chuckled. "I hope you mean that. You might be stuck with me forever."
Stan grinned at him. "I'm fine with that."
Kyle rested his hand on Stan's leg. "Maybe we'll just have to fake it like Craig and Tweek until we fall in love and get married someday. We're already halfway there, you being bi and all. "
He waited for Stan to laugh, but was met with silence. He peeked up at Stan to see a slightly pained expression on his face.
"Shit dude, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it."
"That's the problem." Stan's voice was so quiet, Kyle almost didn't hear him. He looked at Stan curiously, his brain working to figure out what he meant by that. As he thought back over the last few weeks, his mind locked onto a memory.

Him and Stan at the coffee shop in the mall, Kyle teasing Stan about having a thing for redheads. Stan's face turning bright red even though he insisted he didn't have a crush on Red. But then why…..
Kyle's eyes widened in realization and he shot up from the bed, sitting upright.
"Wait, Stan, do you like me?"
He looked at his best friend and was alarmed to see Stan's eyes filling with tears. "Yeah I do. I'm sorry Kyle."
Stan looked down, fiddling with his shirt sleeves.
"Oh god Stan, don't cry."
Kyle reached over and pulled Stan against him, hugging him tightly. "You don't have to be sorry. People can't help how they feel." He rubbed Stan's back soothingly as he cried quietly against Kyle's shoulder.

Kyle ran his free hand through Stan's hair, rubbing the silky strands between his fingers.
He heard Stan suck in a breath and Kyle pulled his hand away.
"Sorry. I'm not helping am I?"
Stan sighed and pulled away, looking at his shoes.
Kyle nudged Stan's shoulder with his, catching his attention.
"Can I try something?"
Stan looked at him curiously. "Sure?"
Kyle rested his hand on Stan's leg and leaned forward slowly.
"Close your eyes."
Stan obliged and Kyle leaned into him, placing his lips softly against Stan's.
At the feel of Stan's lips, Kyle's heart rate sped up and he felt something spark inside him.
He pulled away, breathless, eyes wide.
Stan's expression mirrored his own.
"Can I do that again?"
Stan nodded wordlessly, eyes bright.
Kyle placed his lips over Stan's again, this time feeling Stan kiss him back.
Kyle's hand fisted in Stan's jeans where it rested against his leg. He brought his other hand up to cup Stan's face as their lips moved together.

They pulled apart, breathless. Kyle noticed that Stan was trembling slightly.
"Stan? You okay?"
Stan nodded jerkily, blowing out a breath. "Yeah. I was trying to go slow."
Kyle blushed, ducking his head.
"You don't have to."
Stan's eyes widened. "What?"
Kyle leaned forward, whispering. "Kiss me."
Stan hesitated briefly, then leaned in and placed his hand on Kyle's waist, and pressed their lips together.
Kyle felt like lightning was shooting through him. This is how he'd imagined kissing felt like. Apparently he just hadn't been kissing the right people.
His pulse quickened when Stan traced his bottom lip lightly with his tongue. He opened his mouth and their tongues tangled together, causing a jolt of lust to course through him.
He moaned softly and wrapped his arms around Stan's neck, pulling him closer.
Stan wrapped his arms around Kyle's waist and tilted his head, deepening the kiss.
Kyle felt like he was on fire.
He pushed himself against Stan harder, until they fell back on the bed, Stan underneath him.
They broke apart briefly, breathing heavily, then Stan was kissing him again and the fire spread further through Kyle's body. He squirmed against Stan, lust clouding his mind. He felt Stan slip his hands under his shirt, warm against Kyle's bare skin. Kyle moaned and rolled his hips forward instinctively, his erection rubbing against his boxers.
Stan stilled underneath him, hands gripping Kyle's waist.
Kyle rolled his hips forward again and Stan moaned against his mouth.
They pulled their mouths apart and Stan looked up at him with wild, desperate eyes.
Kyle slid one of his hands under Stan's head, fisting his hand in his hair. Stan moved one of his hands from Kyle's waist, to the back of his neck, pulling him forward. He buried his face against Kyle's throat and kissed him, swiping his tongue over his skin.
Kyle hissed through his teeth, tightening his grip on Stan's hair.
Stan continued kissing and licking his neck, sending sparks through Kyle with every swipe of his tongue.
Kyle squirmed again, small whines escaping his mouth, as he brought his free hand up under Stan's shirt, running it over every inch of bare skin he could find.
As Kyle ran his hand up Stan's chest, he felt the dark haired boy shudder underneath him. Kyle grinned and repeated the gesture, causing Stan to arch up off the bed, pressing his hips against Kyle's.
Kyle moaned as he ground his hips against Stan's.
Stan's mouth left Kyle's neck and captured his lips in a kiss.
There was no finesse this time as they made out sloppily and thrust against each other, hands touching whatever they could reach.
Kyle whined when he felt Stan grab his ass, rocking his hips desperately.
"Fuck Kyle, you feel good."
Kyle blushed and buried his head in Stan's shoulder, whispering. "So do you."
Stan groaned and reached up, fisting a hand in Kyle's hair, wrapping his other arm securely around Kyle's waist.
Kyle's breathing became erratic as they continued grinding against each other, growing increasingly frustrated.
Stan turned his head to whisper in Kyle's ear. "Do you trust me?"
Kyle lifted his head to look at him and nodded.
Stan gently pushed on his shoulders until Kyle was sitting up, straddling Stan's hips.
Stan quickly tugged his shirt off, then slid his hands up Kyle's thighs, before gripping the hem of Kyle's shirt. Kyle took the hint and tugged his shirt off, tossing it on the bed. He watched as Stan slowly slid his hands up the front Kyle's pants, grazing either side of his erection.
Kyle's breath hitched and he rocked forward. Stan smiled up at him and unzipped his pants, pushing them down slightly along with his boxers, Kyle's erection springing free. Stan hesitated, his gaze meeting Kyle's.
Kyle nodded and scooted forward slightly. "Touch me."

Kyle felt Stan's hand wrap around him and his vision blurred. "Oh god Stan."
Stan smiled and stroked him slowly, Kyle rocking his hips in time with each stroke, small moans escaping his mouth.
Stan jerked him faster and Kyle threw his head back, breath coming in pants.
He felt Stan grab his hand, lacing their fingers together.
As Stan stroked him faster, Kyle felt Stan's hips rocking underneath him. His breathing was as erratic as Kyle's.
The feel of Stan's hips bucking beneath him as Stan stroked him off was enough to send Kyle over the edge. He cried out, releasing all over Stan's hand, as he continued jerking Kyle through his orgasm.

Kyle braced his hands on his knees, breathing heavily.
"Fuck, that was amazing."
He looked down at Stan, who nodded jerkily, eyes wild.
"I almost came in my pants."
Kyle glanced down where Stan's erection still strained against his jeans.
"Fuck dude, you want me do something about that?"
Stan blushed. "You don't have to. I'm fine."
Kyle skimmed his hand over the front of Stan's jeans, causing him to curse and jerk his hips forward.  "Maybe I want to."
Stan nodded and grabbed Kyle's hips, scooting backward, until Stan was sitting against his headboard, Kyle straddling his lap.
Kyle reached down, unzipping Stan's pants and freeing him from his boxers. He took a moment to marvel at the sight in front of him, before wrapping his hand around Stan's erection and running his thumb over the tip.
Stan moaned and fisted his hands in his blankets.
Kyle stroked him softly, watching Stan's face as he tipped his head back against the headboard.
He moved his hand faster and Stan brought his hands up to grip Kyle's hips, and touched their foreheads together.
Going on instinct, Kyle pressed his mouth against Stan's, kissing him hard as he continued stroking him.
Stan whined against his mouth, hips rocking forward.
Kyle stroked him faster, eliciting another moan from Stan. "Ohhh fuck."
Kyle brought his free hand up to fist in Stan's hair, tugging gently.
Stan whined, breathing erratic.
"Fuck Kyle, I'm close."
Kyle kissed him again and jerked him faster.
Stan buried his head against Kyle's shoulder, muffling his cry of pleasure as he released. Kyle stroked him softly a few more times before wrapping his arms around Stan's waist, leaning against his chest.
Stan let out a shaky laugh.
"Holy fuck Ky, that was incredible."
Kyle grinned and laid his head on Stan's shoulder. "Good."
They held each other quietly, neither willing to let go of the other just yet.
Kyle's eyes slid closed as he snuggled closer to Stan, sighing contentedly.

Kyle jerked awake, breathing heavily as he looked around the dark room. Stan was asleep next to him, his hand stretched out towards Kyle.
It was just a dream.
He was surprised when he felt a flash of disappointment.
He laid back against his pillow as he tried to figure out what the dream meant.
You know what it means.
A tiny voice whispered in the back of his mind.
He turned his head to look at his best friend, studying him as he slept. To his surprise, he felt his heart flutter in his chest. He sighed and reached over, taking Stan's hand gently in his.
He watched his best friend sleeping peacefully until his eyelids felt heavy again, falling asleep once more.


Hey just a reminder I take requests. If anyone has any requests or ideas feel free to DM me or comment on here

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