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            Craig X Kenny
                  Age: 18
Requsted by Miss_Got_Bitches
I kind of got carried away but I hope you enjoy it 😊


Craig checked the time on his phone for probably the tenth time in the last five minutes.
8:05 pm. Where the hell is Kenny? He was supposed to be here an hour ago.
He stood up from his bed and paced around his room. As he passed the window he caught sight of his reflection. His normally stoic expression was replaced by one of agitation. His black hair was sticking up where he'd run his hands through it. His hazel eyes were narrowed in annoyance. He sighed, pissed at himself for letting something so stupid work him up. But any sense of reason went out the window when it came to a certain blonde asshole. All because Craig liked him. It was annoying.
He checked his phone again. Still nothing. Fuck it. He opened his text messages and typed out a text.

Craig: Where the hell are you?

Kenny: I stopped by Butters to drop off his homework and we got to talking.

Craig's jaw clenched as a wave of jealousy washed over him. Butters. He was always following Kenny around like a lost puppy. It pissed Craig off. Growling in frustration he typed out a new message.

Craig:When are you coming over?

Craig: I'm coming to pick you up

He slid his phone in his pocket and grabbed his car keys off his dresser. He opened his bedroom door and stomped into the hall and down the stairs, grateful his parents weren't around to yell at him. His mom, dad, and sister had gone out of town for the weekend. He ripped the front door open and closed it forcefully behind him. He strode over to his car, folding his 6'3" frame into the front seat of the beat up blue Toyota Camry.
He slid the key in the ignition and sped out of the driveway and into the street.

He tried to calm down as his hands gripped the steering wheel. It wasn't like him to be this pissed off. Normally he was calm and generally indifferent to whatever was going on around him. He usually preferred to mind his own business, and keep to himself. Unless it came to Kenny. Then he couldn't keep his emotions from spilling over and making him feel like an idiot.

He pulled into Butters driveway and got out of his car, slamming the door shut behind him. He crossed the yard and rapped his knuckles loudly against the door. Less than a minute later, Kenny opened the door, Butters right behind him. "Oh hey Craig."
Craig frowned and crossed his arms. "You were supposed to be at my house over an hour ago."
Kenny furrowed his brows and looked at his phone. "Shit dude, I didn't realize it was so late." Kenny grinned at Craig sheepishly. "Give me a sec?"
Craig reached out and grabbed Kenny's wrist, tugging him forward. "We're leaving now."
Kenny opened his mouth to argue, but snapped it shut at the look on Craig's face. He waved goodbye to Butters over his shoulder and allowed Craig to drag him to the car. He got in the passenger seat, Craig closing his door before walking around to the driver's side and getting in.
Craig started the car and pulled into the street, driving towards his house. He was aware of Kenny watching him. "What?"
"What crawled up your ass?"
Craig's hands tightened on the steering wheel. "Nothing."

Craig pulled the car into his driveway and turned it off.
"What were you really doing at Butters house?"
Kenny scowled at him. "Dude we were just talking."
Craig snorted. "Uh huh, talking."
Kenny glared at him. "Dude, what the fuck is your problem, you jealous or something?"
Kenny's eyes widened when Craig froze, avoiding Kenny's gaze. "Wait, are you actually jealous of Butters?"
Craig glanced at him, expression neutral. "Can we just go inside?"
Kenny crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat. "I'm not going anywhere until you answer me."
Craig sighed in frustration and leaned his head back against his seat. "Fine."
Kenny waited for Craig to continue, but he stayed silent, staring out the window.
Kenny tapped his foot impatiently. "Well. Are you?"
Kenny almost didn't hear him, his voice was so quiet.
He stared at Craig incredulously.
Craig glanced at him, then got out of the car. Kenny bolted out of his seat and followed him inside.
Craig ignored him and slammed himself down on the couch.
Kenny sat down next to him carefully.
"Craig, what's going on with you?"
Kenny scooted closer. "Dude you're one of my best friends, you can talk to me."
Craig shot up from the couch and started pacing around the living room. "That's just it. I don't know if I want to be just friends anymore."
Kenny looked at him, confused, until the words sank in. He stood up and placed his hand on Craig's chest, stopping his pacing. "What…what are you saying?"
Craig looked down at the pale hand against his chest, then looked into Kenny's searching blue eyes. "I'm saying I like you, okay? You drive me crazy. I hate it. All I do is think about you, what you're doing, what you smell like, the way your body feels when you lay against me in the middle of the night, how soft your hair is- " He was cut off by Kenny's lips against his. Kenny had to grab Craig's shoulders to keep himself steady. He wasn't exactly short at 5'10, but Craig had five inches on him.

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