Ray Of Sunshine

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                Clyde X Pip
                    Age: 16

Requested by kittycatmeowmeow0

I actually really enjoyed writing this and I hope I did it justice.


Clyde gently laid the bouquet of flowers against his mom's headstone and sat down.
"Hey mom." His voice was quiet as he brushed his fingers gently over her headstone.
"I'm sorry I haven't been to visit much. Life's been kinda busy."
He placed his hands in his lap and fiddled with his jacket sleeves.
He proceeded to talk quietly about everything that had been going on as the sun set around him.
When the sky was a deep shade of orange and blue, he stood up.
"Bye mom. I promise I'll try to visit more."

He'd only taken a few steps when he heard someone crying softly nearby. He followed the sound and found a short blonde boy sitting in front of a grave.
The headstone read:
Here Lies Damien Thorn. Gone But Not Forgotten.

Damien had died a few months ago but Clyde couldn't remember how.
He looked down, realizing the blonde sitting in front of the grave was Pip.
He felt his eyes sting when Pip started crying harder, his thin shoulders shaking. Sometimes he hated being a sympathetic crier.
He crouched down next to the blonde, keeping his voice low. "Hey Pip."
Pip jumped slightly and turned to look at him. "Oh, hello Clyde. What are you doing here?"
Clyde smiled softly at him. "Visiting my mom."
Pip nodded, tears still running down his face. "That's lovely of you, Clyde. I'm sure she loves having you here."
Clyde felt his own eyes grow wet. Even in the midst of his sadness, Pip was trying to be cheerful.
Clyde gently placed his hand on Pip's shoulder. "I'm sorry about Damien. I know you guys were friends."
Pip nodded, lip trembling. He looked up at Clyde, blue eyes filled with sadness. Clyde watched as fresh tears streamed down the blonde's face. He sat down and pulled Pip into his arms, the blonde now sobbing against his shoulder as Clyde held him. He rocked them gently, as Pip wrapped his arms around Clyde's neck, whispering soothingly to the boy in his arms.

After a few minutes Pip was quiet, but Clyde didn't let go.
It had been awhile since he'd held, and been held by someone, and it was comforting.
He ran his hand over Pips shoulder length hair, noting the soft silky texture as he rubbed a strand between his fingers.
He heard Pip sigh against his shoulder and pulled away slightly to look at him. The blonde wouldn't meet his eyes, instead staring off to the side.
"I'm terribly sorry Clyde. I didn't mean to break down like that."
Clyde frowned at him. "Don't apologize. It's okay to cry when you're sad. Hell, I cry all the time."
He felt a little embarrassed admitting it, but it was true. It was the reason everyone called him a crybaby. Everyone except Pip. He never had a mean thing to say about anyone.
Pip gave him a shaky smile and nodded. "I suppose you're right. I do feel better now."
Clyde hugged him again and felt Pip relax against him. After a few minutes he realized the sun was almost completely gone and sighed. He wasn't looking forward to going home to an empty house. His dad was away on business and his older sister was in college, leaving Clyde home alone.
Pip seemed to sense his change in mood and pulled away to look at him with concern.
"Are you alright Clyde?"
Clyde shrugged and stood up, holding his hand out to the blonde. Pip accepted it and pulled himself to his feet, still looking concerned.
"Just not looking forward to going home to an empty house."
Pip nodded in understanding. "Are you home alone often then?"
Clyde looked at the ground, voice quiet. "Yeah."
He felt Pip squeeze his hand and looked up to see Pip looking at him sympathetically. "I understand. I'm alone all the time too."
Clyde felt guilty for complaining. At least he had a dad and a sister. Pip stayed with a foster family. He had no one.
Clyde smiled as an idea came to him. "You could stay over if you want."
Pip smiled at him brightly and Clyde felt his heart skip a beat.
He hadn't realized just how beautiful Pip was until he smiled like that, his soft features lit up with joy. He was like a ray of sunshine.
"Do you mean it?!"
Clyde grinned at him. "Yeah, of course."
"I'd love to stay over!"
Clyde chuckled and tugged on Pip's hand. "Well c'mon then."

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