The Co-Worker

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Musical Suggestion: Big Energy - Latto

After hanging with Paul I was ready to get back to my senses because I didn't want to deal with this dating shit anymore to be honest. I started letting Vanessa run the streets; she always did me good when I was stressing. It was time for me to let Queen Vanessa reign again. We were in the middle of a moment at work that seemed a bit unsettled. I didn't know everything that was going on but I knew me and NewYork was on top of shit. Well, she had the hook up honestly at work; she was friends with her boss whereas mine was a bitch with a capital B. I was good because I was the only one that was willing to do my job. No one wanted to work with my boss; she always had a stare that could suck out a soul if she wanted to.

I noticed that a few people started disappearing never to return so I figured they were cleaning house. My department was small and we dealt with a great deal of events so we were safe. They decided to cut a few people who were on a contract basis with the organization. I had become friends with one of the guys that worked in the data department, his name was Vincent. He was weirdly cute; he wasn't the type that would make me normally look twice, however he was the type that grew on you as you got to know them a bit. He looked like he was a quiet child when he was little but he grew into his manhood. He stood about 6'2" with caramel colored skin that dripped all over his tall, lanky body. He wore his hair in a low fade and he was clean shaven. He was nice and chill at the office and got along with everyone. He dressed well as a young professional in a business casual setting. Fridays were the best because it was Blue Jean Friday.

Vincent had gotten his walking papers about a week before and he had contacted me to come over on the weekend and have a smoking session with him. I never pass up free ganja and I was sure I had the weekend free. I had to take a moment to myself after Paul; I felt myself enjoying it way too much, already knowing it wasn't going anywhere. I didn't want to take the guy for granted which was the way it seemed to have been had I stayed; he enjoyed hanging out with me but we both knew it would eventually have to end. Then Vincent came along. I never was one to hook up with someone I worked with because I didn't want to see that person at work if we had a fight. But with him getting laid off, I was good to go.

I went over to his condo in the Bronzeville Area. It was nice to visit somewhere different and close. His building was pretty clean and tidy, as walked up to the door. As soon as my foot stepped on the threshold, the door buzzed giving me entrance into the building. Top floor was where he lived; It had a great view of the city. A majority of the buildings that surrounded him were shorter than his building. His condo was on the corner of the building which gave him the benefit of having views from two different sides of the street. His condo faced the west side and the south side of the city.

As I came into his place, he had the incense burning and the place was rather tidy as I looked around. He had a small coffee table and a sofa facing the windows. The sunset fully lit up the condo, giving an orange glow throughout the entire place. I saw a nice size wooden container sitting on the table, next to a Heineken and an ashtray; a blunt was already lit and smoking in the ashtray.

"Hey Dude, so what's up? I knew your ass smoked." I said being excited that my 'inkling' panned out to be the truth.

"Well you know we can't talk about it at work, so you know. But I heard you hint at it a few times." He responded as he closed the door and joined me on the couch. "You wanna hit it?" He said picking up the blunt from the ashtray.

"Hell yea. Shiddd, you ain't said nothing but a word." I said taking the blunt from his fingers. I puffed and inhaled as deep as I could go; I closed my eyes and let it take effect. It was amazing and nice chilling with him, he was cool as fuck. He didn't portray this type of guy when he was at work, but I see why.

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