Character Bio a/ Introduction

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Name: Nathan Jasper Corvin

Name: Nathan Jasper Corvin

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Nicknames: Nate, Jasper,

age: 31

Virgin: yes

Personality: kind, protective, loyal, caring, loving, moody, mind speaker, calm, gentle, fierce, faithful,

What he is: a vampire but he is against what he is and only attacks animals not humans.

likes: playing piano, singing, reading the Bible, preaching at the church he owns, dancing,

dislikes: rude people, betrayal, liars, hurting people, feeding on human blood, or killing people for food, werewolves minus one,

Family: Micheal Corvin younger brother, eventually his brothers daughter Eve


Bio: Nathan is the older brother of Michael Corvin and a preacher at a small church that he had bought

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Bio: Nathan is the older brother of Michael Corvin and a preacher at a small church that he had bought. Nate and his brother grew up really close, neither of them had any idea of their grand uncles being vampires and werewolves or about the war between them both. Both of them lived normal childhoods with their parents and grew up doing pretty well in school, but both of them wanted to be in different careers, Nathan wanted to be a preacher and Micheal wanted to be a medic.

So Nate went on to be a preacher while his brother Micheal went to be a learning medic, Nate eventually went on to be a owner of a small Christian church not to far from his place. Nathan was eventually turned one night when he had just gotten home, he unknowingly was being watched by a vampire, before being left on his living room floor with a bite. He didn't tell his brother about it, instead the next day he was visited by the person who was none other then Selene.

Nathan was a bit defensive not knowing what she was or what had happened to him, but once she had explained to him what he now was and about his thirst for blood and such. He was very resentful of it, because of him being a preacher, pastor and now a blooding sucking vampire, and because he didn't want this nor did he ask for it.

Nate told Selene to leave, but of course Selene told him that he would have to learn how to control and deal with this now, she of course would be willing to help him to defend himself against lycans and how to control his hunger.

Good qualities: fighter, protecter, willing to fight for those he cares for or about, prays for the people who need it, helpful,

Bad qualities: Angers easily if upsetted, can sometimes come off harsh but apologize for it. Keeps to himself a lot when upset, can come across as harsh sometimes when he doesn't mean too,

Hobbies: reading the Bible, playing piano, singing, dancing,

Weapons: a pistol when he learns to use it

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