Feelings redo

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"Hey." Shauna said gently as she touched his cheek again, even if his head was hung she wasn't upset with him but she knew that he was with himself. "Nathan look at me please. None of this is your fault. I get it that your mad and upset, but this isn't your fault. I know how scary this is and difficult, but you are alone in this.

I'm here to help you, even if you are a vampire I still love you and care about you. None of that or this will change how I feel about you, or how I fell for you that day that I meant you in church. Because you honestly saved my life.

But I know your probably scared what God will think or say, when someday you are face to face with Him. But trust be told I'm scared to, I've done and had to do things I regret. Even with being a werewolf I still believe in God, but none of us know exactly what will happen at the end of our road when we stand face to face with God.

But I do know this, we can be forgiven and given a new heart to change. I have faith that we both can be forgiven and able to walk away from this. Together. I love you Nathan." Shauna said the last part quietly, as she wanted to cry because of how much she cared for him.

Nathan looked up at her and listened to every word, he knew that she was right someday they would meet Him face to face but they still could be forgiven and able to walk away from their past mistakes together. "I love you too Shauna. My whole life changed after the night I met you that day. I remember you telling me that...everything happens for a reason, and I believe that us meeting and all of this happened for a reason."

Nathan now gently sat a hand on her cheek with his vampire eyes back out, as he looked into her eyes before leaning forward to kiss her. He was glad that she had told him, because he was to nervous and scared to tell her after what had happened today. Nathan was just thankful to have someone as caring as her to look out for him, the way he looks out for her.

Shauna smiled softly yet lovingly as she looked into Nathan's blueish white eyes. "Such beautiful eyes." She told him softly, as she leaned in and kissed him on the lips once their lips had met. She felt and the passion and love behind their kiss, even if it was forbidden by the rules Nathan didn't know about the rules but the stories told enough.

However she was going to do her best to keep Nathan from being forced to go be with his kind, because she knew that Nathan was not one for being told what to do especially since he hated being turned into a vampire against his will.

Nathan chuckled softly at her comment about his eyes. As he kissed Shauna with as much love and passion that she could show her in one kiss, he had waited awhile for this moment and now he finally got the chance.

He didn't care about any rules that either of their kinds had, he wanted nothing to do with the vampires but he had a feeling this wouldn't be a peaceful relationship once their minds found out. But she was worth the fight and worth the risk.

Nathan soon pulled back from the kiss for air and leaned his forehead against hers, he smiled softly as he breathed a bit heavily from the kiss. He pecked her lips on last time, before leaning his forehead back against hers. "I love you so much I can't put it into words." He told her gently.

"So..so don't. I can tell just by looking into your eyes how much you love me." She told him back gently, as she let a hand go to his hair as she stroked the back of his head gently. She honestly didn't want her brother or his crew of lycans to come for Nathan, she didn't want anything to happen to him or to see him hurt or hurting.

Nathan smiled softly. "And I can see it in yours." He told her, as he continued to keep his head leaned against hers before looking over at his window were broken in by werewolves. He jumped up and looked over at Shauna, before feeling something hit him. He looked down and saw a sleep dart had hit him, he looked back at Shauna as he took the dart out before starting to feel lightheaded as he shook his head lightly.

Nathan fort himself starting to fall over but he didn't hit the floor, instead he was caught and held up by Shauna whom was using her wolf strength to keep him from hitting the floor. "Nathan I've got you." He heard her say as he started to feel really sleepy, as he started to pass out.

Shauna caught Nathan as he started to fall over from the sleep dart, she held him as he started to pass out from the dart. She looked over at her brother Lucian, as he walked in Nathan's apartment with backup to take Nathan back to where Micheal was being kept. "I'm sorry Nate. Please forgive me my love." She whispered to him as she kissed the top of his head gently, as she watched him fully pass out and go to sleep.

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