Werewolves and Vampires redo

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Selene was at Michaels apartment, she was looking over something's in his room. She heard the phone ringing and quickly hid from sights, as she heard something from the hallways.

Micheal was on his way back to his apartment when he heard his phone ringing and saw that the door was open. He walked into his apartment and moved the door open a bit more, as he walked inside hearing his voicemail recording. "Hey you've reached Micheal, leave a message and I'll get back to you."

Right after that he heard the message from his friend from the hospital, about cops looking for him for being involved in a shootout. After that he was held up against the wall by Selene.

"Why are they after you?" She asked Micheal as she held him against the wall.

"I don't know." Micheal responded, before running away after Selene started to fire her gun at the ceiling. He then hopped into a elevator and pressed the button to go down, he was starting to worry a bit about his older brother hoping he was okay.

Selene held him up against the wall, as she then heard wolves in the ceiling and started to fire at them. She looked and saw that Micheal was gone, she then took off after him to catch up to him. But the minute she had made it to the elevator the door closed. "Sh@@" Selene said as she then saw the werewolves now climbing the walls right at her.

She now pulled out her other hand gun starting to fire at them, before shooting the floor around her in a circle as she then fell to the ground on the giant piece of flooring landing unharmed. As she then continued her run to Micheal.

Micheal was still in the elevator waiting for the doors to open, he was trying to calm his breathing as he then looked at the doors when they opened. He stopped in his tracks and all but backed up, as the guy said his name. "Hello Micheal."

Selene had now made it to Micheal and started to fire her weapon's at Lucian, she managed to injure him but she then heard Micheal crying out in pain as he was bitten but of course Selene didn't know that?

Micheal cried out as Lucian bit him, before feeling himself being ripped from his gasp by Selene and being carried by her. He walked with her out to a car and got in, he watched as she started the car and drove off.

While Selene drove the car Micheal heard and Saw that Lucian had jumped on the roof of the car. He watched at Lucian put his blade through the car trying to hit one of them, he then watched as the blade hit Selene making her let out a sound of pain.

Selene stopped the car and flung Lucian off the roof, before backing up the car then running full speed at him trying to hit him but of course Lucian was able to land on the ground without being hurt.

"What the f@@@ is going on?!" Micheal asked Selene, before getting pushed back gently and getting a gun pointed in his face. "Okay. Okay." He said as he relaxed a bit and tried not to yell anymore. "But you've lost a lot of blood." He said. "I'm not screwing around!"

"Neither am I. Now shut up, I'll be fine." Selene told Michael, before passing out at the wheel.

Micheal swore and jumped up at the wheel trying to turn them away from the pier, but instead he hit something and they both fell into the water. He knocked his head but still remained conscious, as he got himself and Selene out of the car and to safety. Where he restarted her heart and got the water out of her lungs, before bandaging up her arm and passing out next to her.

Selene eventually had woken up and saw that her shoulder would was now healed up. She looked over at Michael and saw him still passed out, so she carefully took him back to her coven and laid him down to rest. While he was out, she did some research and saw that he had a older brother named Nathan. "Why don't they want only you?" She thought to herself as she looked at a photo of Micheal, before then looking at Nathan who was in the photo with Micheal.

Selene did more digging and started to wonder, if Nathan was the wolves next target. She needed to help his brother out but she had a feeling, one of her fellow vampires knew something that she didn't. She was going to find out what that was.

Lucian's sister pulled up to Nathan's place and parked her car next to his, before turning off the engine and grabbing her keys. She got out of her car and walked/jogged up to his front door, where she then knocked and waited for him to answer.

Nathan was now pacing the floor and was thinking about what to tell her about what had happened to him. I didn't want to sound crazy about what he had seen or gone through, he had a feeling though that she wouldn't judge him or call him crazy when he knew that she too was able to see and sense things like he could. Nathan just hoped that, he could find away to live with himself now that he's a vampire.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a car pull up and a knock at his front door. He opened and saw his friend standing there, he let her in and closed the door before feeling her arms around him as she hugged him.

Nathan hugged her back, he hid his face in her neck. Before feeling her pulling back to look at him, he looked into her eyes and sat his hand on hers that was on his cheek. "Nath, I...tell me what happened?" He heard her ask him as he looked away, before looking back at her with his now blueish white eyes.

He took a deep breath and let it out, before stroking the back of her hand gently with his thumb as he spoke

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He took a deep breath and let it out, before stroking the back of her hand gently with his thumb as he spoke. "I had just gotten back home, I felt like I was being watched. I thought it was a shadow, but as soon as I stepped inside and closed my door I was attacked."

"By a vampire." She as she fought back a low growl from leaving her, as she felt her wolf side wanting out to rip that vampire a new one for attacking him.

Nathan nodded his head, before hanging his head a bit as he fought back the anger for becoming something that he didn't want to become.

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