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Shauna kept her eyes on her friend as she held him as he passed out, she looked at her brother as a couple of lycans took Nathan out of her arms and to a car to take him back to the abandoned building. "I can see that you have taken quite a liking to this vampire. We will talk about this when we get back and see if I can get you two far away from this fight." Lucian told his sister, before walking with her out to a different car.

Shauna kept quiet as she followed her brother out to the car, she knew that her brother wasn't upset but rather he wanted to get her and Nathan to safety from this war. Her brother wanted to protect her and to keep her safe, since she was a very special wolf and the only one far different then any lycan around. She also knew that Nathan wasn't a normal vampire, since his eyes were a whitish blue color instead of the normal vampire blue. Plus Lucian knew that this war would soon come for them if they stayed in town, so he figured if he could help the two of them escape then it'd be worth it if he ended up giving his life to save her and give her the life that she's never gotten to have.

Once they had made it back to the building, they walked inside taking while the others dragged Nathan to a room and tied him down to it. "You love him don't you? I can see it in your eyes. I once had that look when I meant Sonja. You should've made a pretty amazing aunt if her and our child were still around. But sadly victor made sure that didn't happen. I'm not gonna let that happen to you." He told her.

Shauna looked at her brother shocked that he could tell, even if it wasn't a surprise since she liked Nathan while he was human and she still likes him now as a vampire. "I'm still sorry that victor did that to you and his own daughter. No one should ever have to go through that, especially not you Lucian.
And I'm not going anywhere. As much as it would be safe for me too, Nathan has his church and his brother here. I'm not gonna just up and make him leave. That choice is up to him, not me or you. I'm sorry Lucian, and as much as I dislike this war I'm not gonna make Nathan leave his brother behind."

Lucian sighed knowing that his sister was pretty stubborn and had a hard time dealing with this war that had been going on for years since he lost Sonja. "Very well, but I will warn you the vampires will come for Nathan and you. I just want you to be safe away from vampires. I don't want what happened to me to happen to you." Lucian told her, as he walked with her to where Micheal was being held.

The lycans brought Nathan to the room and restrained him to a table, they then left him alone for awhile and went to Micheal. One of werewolves who was trying to draw Micheal blood, dropped and broke the glass syringe when he jerked away from them. He slapped Micheal, right as Lucian walked into the room with his sister. "That's enough!" Lucian shouted, before taking a calming breath. Just...will you go see what's keeping raze please." He sighed as he walked over to Micheal. " That's enough!" Lucian said, as he took a calming breath.

"Just go and see
what's keeping Raze, will you?" Lucian said as he walked over to Micheal, and got ready to clean a spot on his arm. "I really must apologize. He's in desperate need of a lesson in manners. Speaking of manners, where are mine? Forgive me. I'm Lucian."

I need to go. I need to get back." Micheal told Lucian.

"There is no going back.
There's no going anywhere.
The Vampires will kill you on sight.
Just for being what you are.
One of us.
You are one of us." Lucian said, as he put the syringe into his upper arm vein.

"What are you doing?" Micheal asked Lucian as he watched him. - What are you doing?
"Bringing an end to this conflict." Lucian told Michael.

"Your war, it has nothing
to do with me. Micheal told Lucian, as he watched him set the blood full syringe down.

"My war?" Lucian questioned Michael, as Michael saw the flashback of what happened to Lucian's mate Sonja.

"No! No!"
"Sonja!" Lucian yelled.

"They forced you to watch her die."
That's what started the war.
I saw it happen as if I were there." Micheal said.

"We were slaves once. The daylight guardians of the Vampires. I was born in servitude...
...yet I harbored them no ill will.
I even took a Vampire for my bride. It was forbidden......our union.
Viktor feared a blending of the species.
Feared it so much...he killed her. His own daughter." Lucian told Micheal sadly, before turning to face kraven who walked in. "What's she still doing here?" He asked him about Amelia who was on the table.

Shauna took that as her cue to leave and so she did, she went out of the room to go see Nathan. She didn't want to be caught up in whatever kraven and her brother were up too. She stood there watching Nathan, as he stayed passed out.
She sighed sadly knowing that Nathan probably wouldn't forgive her for this, but she hoped that both him and God could forgive her for what she's done. "I'm really sorry God, please forgive me and Nathan." Shauna said sadly, as she leaned/sat on a table not sure what she was gonna tell him when he woke up.

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