The proposal

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"I will leave this with you as we wrap up here today on this beautiful Sunday morning, but I do have one special announcement to make today before we all leave here today. God is good all the time and the the time God is good. Now why don't we all close our eyes and pray, to our lord and savior Jesus Christ."

"Lord I pray that you'd be with everyone here today and comfort them, I just pray that you'd be with them and protecting them.
I pray that you help them to over come any temptations that their struggling with or any burdens that need put to rest.
I pray that you bless everyone in here today, and I pray that you bless any future mothers and fathers that we have in this room here today.
I also thank you for giving us this beautiful Sunday morning, and for giving us this moment here with you this mommy. In Jesus name amen." Nathan said, as he closed his Bible and wrapped everything up before grabbing the microphone while messing with something in his pocket.

"I just want to say that I can't thank my girlfriend enough for being there for me when no one else was. I know that things have been hard for her as they have been for me, but thankfully we've been grateful enough have each other." Nathan said, before taking a deep breath and continuing as he pulled the box out of his pocket. "What I'm trying to say is, even though we both are two totally different people...I love her so much and would be lost without her. Because she means the world to me and we've known each other for so long, that I think it's time we finally put the past behind us and come together like God has called us to do." Nathan looked straight at her and motioned her to come up on the stage with him, to which she gladly did. "Your gonna make we want to cry." She told him.

Nathan smiled and chuckled softly

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Nathan smiled and chuckled softly. "And your probably going to cry after I tell you this." He told her, before looking in the audience. "Does someone wanna come hold the mic? I kinda can't do handedly." He said, which made the crowd chuckle a bit and laugh a little bit.

He thanked the person that had come up and held the mic for them. He took a deep breath and let it out again, as he got down on one knee with the box in his hands. "As I was saying before....Shauna I love you so much that it pains me to be without your for a minute or even a second. You are the love and light of my life, you help me to see the hood when no one else can. Not even myself. God gave me you for a reason, He blessed me with someone like you and I can't thank him enough, which is why I'm asking you to marry me. I want to be able to hear your laugh and see your smile every day. I want to wake up next to you knowing that you will always be there right with me, through thick and thin. Like we've always been." Nathan said, as his voice cracked a bit. "So...will you me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Shauna didn't know what to say as she felt tears in her eyes, she nodded her head lightly as she didn't fight back the tear anymore. "I love you so much." She told him, before mumbling out a yes. "Yes I'll marry you." She let the tears fall, as she watched him slip the ring onto her finger before keeping her eyes on him as he stood up and kissed her on the lips.
Not really caring as the people in the church clapped and cheered, she couldn't be more happy to be marrying him and coy be more happy then to become his wife.
"I love you so much Nathan Jasper Corvin." She whispered to him softly. "And I couldn't love you more Shauna." He told her, before kissing her again as the church cheered and clapped happily for them.

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