Chapter 13

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"You can't remember what it's like to show how you feel to others, right? Or maybe because you can't? I'll help you, then. I'll help you as much as I can. I'll teach you how to smile and show your feelings if you want!"

He stared at her for a few moments, as though he was trying to gauge her words before giving the girl his response.

"That might not be a smart idea, Shiina. It may take a long time for that to happen, but there's also a chance that it might not. It's fine, though. You don't have to help me. Don't worry because honestly, I'm over it.

"No, it's not fine!" she frowned at him.

Kiyotaka could see the clear resolve in her eyes while she spoke, which was enough to tell him that she was being serious about this.

"You're a human like me, not some emotionless robot. You deserve to show emotions just as much as everyone else, Ayanokouji-kun. And you also deserve to enjoy your life instead of feeling that you're trapped in a cage. You weren't able to enjoy your childhood, so why not enjoy your life now?"

"It's like she knows about that place and what it's all about."

Even though he hasn't said anything about the White Room, it felt like Hiyori knew about the place itself, because she was describing what the whole thing was about entirely. She even described what it feels like to be in there, even though in her mind, she was thinking about a normal home.

He could only imagine what her reaction would be if she knew about the real thing...

"And I don't want to help because I have to. I'm doing this because I want to. I wouldn't call myself your friend if I didn't do anything to help you, so I don't care if it takes a long time. We're still in high school, and that's all the time I need. I don't want to leave you like this, Ayanokouji-kun. I don't want you to stay this way," she finished, a look of sadness and concern evident on her face because of everything she learned today.

HIyori kept her head down after she was done, hiding herself from her friend as she didn't want him to see the flustered look on her face.

"What am I even saying...? I'm being ridiculous," she thought to herself, wanting nothing more than to bury her face into her hands for those embarrassing words.

Yeah, what the hell was she thinking, saying all of these embarrassing words? It made her sound like she's his girlfriend or something!

And who was she to tell Kiyotaka what he should do? It's not like she was close to him or anything... she was just his friend. A concerned friend, to be more precise.

Still, Kiyotaka can choose to just ignore her. It's his life and he can choose to do what he wants. He doesn't need her help or anything.

He's been this way for most of his life now, right? He said it himself. And he's been doing pretty fine, other than the fact that he can't show his emotions on his face.

...maybe he's right. Maybe Kiyotaka just got so used to being like this that he doesn't care anymore. Maybe telling him all that she just said was just for nothing because he can choose not to listen—


Hiyori's eyes snapped open when she heard something come out of her friend's mouth, and it immediately caused her to look up at him.

"What was that?" she asked, forgetting about her embarrassment for a moment.


"W-What you just said. What was it?"

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