Chapter 1

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Two students stood outside of a dorm room, staring at each other quite intensely.

One was a young man who sported short and spiky brown hair and brown eyes while the other was a girl who bore long, silver hair that reached her back and violet eyes.

The two were still wearing their uniforms, but both seemed like they drenched in sweat for some reason.

The young man had cornered her against the door, his hands on either side of her body, which prevented her from getting away if she even tried to escape.

At first glance, it may seem like a suspicious position for two people, especially when it involved a pair of high school students but it seemed like neither of them minded it.

"What you did back there... that was reckless. You were literally asking for trouble when you told Horikita to back off."

The young man spoke in a calm tone as he stared down at the girl before him.

In return, the girl frowned and turned her head away with a pout, looking angry about something.

"I can't help it. She was trying to take you away from me."

He stared at her for a moment, before shaking his head in amusement.

Despite her calm and cheerful nature most of the time, his girlfriend had a jealous streak and can be very possessive of him, not that he minded it.

"You know as well as I do that that would never happen, Hiyori. I wouldn't even let that happen."


"But now that Horikita is aware of us being involved with each other, she'll be keeping an eye on me because I'm seeing you."

"Does Horikita-san have a crush on you? That would explain why she has been fixated on keeping us apart ever since the special exam on the island. Every time we see her, she always tells you to follow her."

He wanted to laugh at that, because it was genuinely funny that it can almost be a good punchline to a joke.

"Horikita having a crush on me? Not in a million years. I'm completely sure she's doing this because she thinks you're up to something. Ever since she found out you're from Class-C, she thinks of you as someone suspicious. It doesn't help that it's Ryuuen's class."

"But why you? Why is her attention towards you out of everyone? I don't understand."

"She sees me as her ticket to Class-A. I guess, in her eyes, if I'm distracted by other things, I won't be able to get her there."

The girl could only frown after hearing that, as her opinion of Horikita Suzune became worse. She already didn't have a good opinion of the other girl before this, because she had learned of how she treats their classmates from her boyfriend.

"...uh, forgive me for my words, Kiyotaka-kun, but that's pathetic and it only shows why she's placed in Class-D."

"Tell me about it. Although this does bring up another concerning matter that will soon be a problem if we don't deal with it right away."

The girl raised an eyebrow at him.

"What is it...?"

"You know this means that we'll have to come clean with our relationship now, right? If Horikita starts paying more attention to me, our classmates will inevitably do the same and become curious about who you are once they see you."

The Angel from Another Class is Rotten, but I'm Interested in HerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora