Chapter 10

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Several weeks had passed, and it was now the third week of the month. For the first-year students, they can finally be relieved from the stress that they have went through for several weeks.

Not just because their final exams for the trimester was over, but also because of what was waiting for them at the end of the week after this one.

A luxury vacation at an island, which they will be traveling to by ship.

After the expulsion of the idiot trio and their departure from the school, Chabashira-sensei told her remaining students about their upcoming finals exam that will happen in a month.

Initially, the students were all disappointed by it because who wouldn't be? No one would be motivated at the thought of having another test only a month after their first set of exams for the school year.

That is, until Chabashira-sensei told the students what would be waiting for them after their finals.

The woman explained to them that their collective prize for passing their final exams this time would be a trip to a beautiful island aboard a luxury ship. Just by saying those words, it was enough to motivate all of them to prepare for their eventual exams.

After several weeks of preparing themselves by studying (even though some of them were still discouraged by it), they have finally gone through their final exams these past three days.

Their results would be announced by Chabashira-sensei next week, but none of the Class-D students seemed to be worried about that.

They had learned their lesson after witnessing not one, not two, but three of their classmates get expelled for simply failing their exams. They considered that incident as a warning for what could happen if they slacked off in their studies.

If they wanted to stay in this school, they would have to put in the needed effort.

"No doubt that seeing three of us get expelled from this place gave everyone else a good scare. I bet many of them were grateful that they were lucky enough to pass the exams, especially the rest of the guys who didn't take the whole thing seriously at first."

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka yawned as he remembered the looks on everyone's faces when they took their exams today, yesterday, and the day before that. It was honestly amusing, the duality of students and how simple-minded they can be.

During their midterm week, most of them looked either displeased or irritated while taking their exams.

In contrast, during their final exams this week, his classmates were more focused and determined, as if they can't get distracted by anything. For a few hours, they actually looked like proper students for once and it was amusing to see.

"You've changed, Ayanokouji-kun."


Getting cut off from his thoughts, Kiyotaka turned his attention to the person who was walking beside him, which was someone whom he would rather not be around with any day of the week.

"I said that you've changed. Has your hearing been deteriorating lately that you can't hear me even when I'm this close to you?"

"I heard you the first time. You don't have to go on another rant."

The young man sighed while Horikita kept a harsh glare on him, before folding her arms across her chest.

The two were walking back to the student dormitories after finishing their exams for the day and at the same time, the whole week overall. The weird thing about this arrangement though, is the fact that these two were actually heading to their respective homes together, when one of them didn't like being around the other.

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