Chapter 7

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The two students roamed around the mall for about two hours, doing nothing but walk around and talk to each other the whole time.

They actually managed to explore every corner of the place after an hour so when they were done with that, they spent the next hour and a half at the bookstore, checking out the latest works that have been published and reading the ones that have been there for some time.

Despite the sheer size of the whole campus, Keyaki Mall wasn't large by any means. It was only about the size of an average shopping mall.

After they were done with the bookstore, Hiyori led the young man to their final destination, which was a popular restaurant named Tenya.

As they entered the establishment, they noticed that not many people were eating there, which made Kiyotaka relieved. Not that he had a problem being in the presence of other people, but he didn't really want his time with Hiyori to be disturbed.

Especially if his classmates were here. If they were, they'd notice him being with someone from another class and be vocal about it.

They took their seats at an empty table as a waiter handed them separate menus. From there, they discussed and chose their preferred meals and began to wait for their food to arrive.

"Remember, you're paying for your own food, Ayanokouji-kun," she reminded him of their conversation earlier this morning with a chuckle.

He raised an eyebrow curiously, as he decided to tease the girl for a bit one more time.

"Just mine? Too bad, because I was planning to pay for your food as well, Shiina."

Hiyori blinked in surprise and confusion.


"It's honestly disappointing that this isn't a date. If it was, I would have treated you to an expensive meal and treated you like a princess because it's what you deserve. You did well in your midterm exams, after all."

And, after hearing those words from him, Hiyori frowned and pouted at him for that infuriating attempt in teasing her.

"That wasn't funny. Ayanokouji-kun."

"I was only joking."

"Then please don't joke about something like that, Ayanokouji-kun. The comment you made earlier about me was bad enough."

"Do you want me to take you out on a date for real, then? I'm not teasing you this time, by the way. If we went out on a date for real, it wouldn't be a joke."

Instead of responding in a verbal manner, Hiyori gave him a swift kick to the shin under the table, making the young man jump in surprise and pain.

"Ow, that hurts!"

"I told you not to joke about it," she huffed and folded her arms afterwards.

Kiyotaka sighed to himself and decided to stop for good, before he goes too far and makes Hiyori mad at him completely... assuming he hasn't done that already.

"For someone who's treated as an 'angel' in their class, you sure are not acting like one," he commented while drinking from his glass of water.

Hiyori turned her attention back to him the moment she heard those next words from him, a serious expression forming on her features.

It's almost as if it was something she didn't want to hear, especially from him.

"Where did you hear that, Ayanokouji-kun?" she asked while raising an eyebrow.

The Angel from Another Class is Rotten, but I'm Interested in HerWhere stories live. Discover now