My Love, My Life (TanKana)

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Modern AU

first love trope

girlnextdoor!Kanao x boynextdoor!Tanjiro

A long time ago, there was a boy who met a girl. Having fallen in love at first sight, they vowed to marry each other when they grew older. Unfortunately, social services took her away from her sisters, and he never saw her again, promising to meet her again under the light of the full moon.

Song by ABBA

P.S: There's a kiss in here. Nothing spicy, just sweet fluff :)


"What are you doing?"

Aoi exhaled warm air into her shaken hands, burying them in her coat pockets as she stared up at the night sky, lights aglow, waltzing blindly in the dark, isolated from each other. She looked back at her friend, who gazed at stars; it was a full moon.

"He's coming this year, I just know it."

"You say that every year."

She didn't respond, knowing that trying to persuade her friend that her lover from childhood would find her in the vast country that was Japan.

She just knew it in her heart that he would come back for her.

He promised he would.

"Kanao... as much as I love to see you so full of joy, I can't bring myself to watch you when you do realize that he isn't coming for you. You're safe here, and you can't spend your life pining over something that could never happen."

They shared a silent glance at each other, before she looked away, having had enough of her friend's persistence.

"Look, Nezuko's friend is coming to visit her, and I think that it would do you some good to meet new people, you know, besides your own roommates?"

"You may be right. But I'll never stop hoping that he'll come back to me."

"Kanao! We're twenty-four. For all we know, he could be dead, in the hospital, married, have a child, or just have given up altogether! It's been ten years! It's kind of stupid to be holding on this long-"

"Aoi, have you ever loved someone?" Kanao's hands were trembling as she watched her friend take out her anger on her.

"W-What kind of question is that?" she stammered, and Kanao smiled somberly.

"Have you ever loved someone?"

"Define love," she challenged, and her smile wore out.

"I mean, really love someone. Have you ever loved someone so much that you feel your head is about to explode when he calls in sick from home? That all you want to do is tell him that it's okay, and make him soup even though you don't know how to cook? How your heart flutters when he texts a simple 'I love you' even without the proper capitalization, but it still makes your stomach churn for the 1,000th time? That even though people tell you that high-school romances never last, but you make it past the breaking point?

"When everyone points out the flaws in your relationship, just to try to discourage you from continuing it? Of course, I'm scared! Don't you think that if he never comes for me, I'd break apart too? I'm the one with the most to lose! I'm the one who would collapse of a broken heart if it ever came the day that he'd stop loving me? Not anyone else! You don't understand what it's like - breaking apart two people who love each other! It sounds clingy- I know." she inhaled deeply, tears running down from her cheeks.

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