Night Changes (GiyuShino)

25 0 0

Modern AU

bartender!Giyu x patron!Shinobu

After a breakup with her toxic ex, Shinobu finds herself in a bar after wandering the semi-familiar streets of Asakusa.

Song by One Direction



A man with raven back hair handed her a drink. She sniffed it, feeling particularly suspicious.

"Relax. There's nothing in your drink." he rolled his eyes.

"But I didn't ask for anything," she smirked. He shrugged.

"Consider it on the house."

"Tomioka. What the hell are you doing?" one of the staff barked. He was waiting tables, yet still had the time to glare at the bartender.

The bartender shrugged again.

"You're not too social, are you?" she asked, swirling the drink a few times before finally taking a sip. He shook his head.

"I don't have to socialize like Iguro does." he motioned to the crabby waiter who had snapped at him earlier. He was now all smiles as he served a girls with peculiar pink and green hair.

"What an interesting choice." she mumbled.

"I'm sorry?"

"Nothing, never mind," she smiled up at him. He looked her up and down. She was wearing a tight red dress, with pearl drop earrings and her hair was collected into a butterfly pin that was adorned with tiny pearls at the edges.

Her eyes were a colorful shade of lavender, and the tips of her hair matched.

"Checking me out?" she smirked, and he turned away, trying to hide the evident blush on his face.


"So, do you have a job besides being a bartender?" she inquired, and he laughed.

"The job pays the bills, so I really have no reason to. What about you?"

"I'm a doctor." she replied, before taking another sip of her drink.

"A doctor?" he gave a her a soft, lopsided smile. Her heart fluttered, but she brushed it off.

"Yes. I run a small clinic with my sister."

He leaned forward.

"Sounds interesting."

She erupted into a tomato red blush, and he laughed as he pulled back.

"Tomioka! Stop fraternizing with the-" another man across the counter barked. He was shaking a drink for three women, and they seemed exasperated at his outburst.

"Sorry," he called out.

"Anyways, I'm new to the city," he turned back to Shinobu, who gave him a soft grin.

"Would you like a tour, Tomioka?" his name rolled off her lips teasingly, and he was sure the tips of his ears had turned red. He looked at the clock.


"I'm leaving early, Iguro."

The waiter turned back to look at barteder and rolled his eyes.

"Sure. Fine. Whatever." Iguro waved his hand.

"Come on," Shinobu laughed, "let's go."


Asakusa was lit with the bright city lights, and people were bumbling around, some with no particular purpose but to have fun.

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