Angels* (TanKana)

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Charlie's Angels Universe: Kanao, Aoi, and Nezuko

spy!Kanao x spy!Tanjiro

After several years working undercover with her best friends for the mysterious Wisteria Crest Family, they have been sent on one final mission before an early retirement. But everything goes awry when they run into a familiar face.

Trigger warning!


"Understood." she muttered into her earpiece, signing a T to Aoi, who was serving guests in the corner.

"In the rooftops." Nezuko whispered, before muttering a curse.

"Shit. What the hell is he doing here?" Nezuko yelled, attracting the attention of a few patrons in Aoi's corner.

"Sorry," she smiled sheepishly, before glaring up at the rooftops in northern Italy.

"What the hell just happened?" she demanded, smiling at the other patrons who waved. Kanao winced at their loud tones, shushing them before opening her menu and attempting to place an order.



Her entire body froze as her brain processed the voice. Lowering the menu, a smiling Tanjiro looked at her.

"I- uh-" she stammered, as Nezuko whispered harshly into her ear,

"Don't blow our cover. He has no idea that-"

"I had no idea you'd be in Italy!" he exclaimed as he gestured to the open seat. She nodded, her eyes trained on him.

Dressed in a white dress shirt and black pants, his hair slicked back with gel, but his eyes sparkling with kindness. On his arm, there was a coat and a tie that he had clearly loosened and taken off for effect.

Her eyes were trained on his shoulders, trailing down to his arms.

Had he been working out?

Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she winced as she noticed that Aoi was glaring at her.

"Stop simping for Nez's brother and get. the. info." she hissed into her bracelet, before walking away.

"Uhm- I-" she gave herself one last minute to take him in all his glory before clearing her throat, "s-sorry. I-I have a d-date." she stammered.

Out of the corner of her eye, a man in a blue suit entered the restaurant, looking at her, his eyes lighting up in recognition.

"You have a boyfriend?" his voice deepened as he glared at the blond man, who backed off slightly.

She looked up at him.

"W-What?" she chuckled nervously.

"Keep it together, Kanao." Nezuko urged.

"A boyfriend?" he raised an eyebrow.

Dear God, he was hot.

She cleared her throat once again before looking at him in confusion.

"N-NO! I-I mean, it's just a mini-rendezvous, y'know?" she laughed.

"A rendezvous?"

In her ear, she could hear someone slap their forehead.


"Cool. Then he won't be worried about me taking his seat, would he?"

"N-No! Of course not! I mean, why would he-? It's just a meet-up." she babbled. He chuckled.

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