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Soobin felt himself blush profusely

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Soobin felt himself blush profusely. Yeonjun kept doing this to him, going out of his way to compliment him, doting him, touching his face and his hand as if his life depended on it. It was nice, of course, but Soobin got easily flustered, and he didn't want the older to know the effect that he had on him. If Yeonjun kept doing this to him, one day he was going to explode.

He tried to disentangle himself, but Yeonjun only tugged him closer that he gave up easily. It wasn't his fault Yeonjun was like a damn koala.

"Jun-hyung," Soobin whined, eyes closing in embarrassment. "Why do you keep doing this to me."

"Doing what exactly, Soobinnie?"

Soobin didn't have to open his eyes to know that mirth in his eyes, the teasing lilt of his lips. He knew it all too well.


"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yeah, sure you don't."

"I just love teasing you. You're cute."


"You are."

Soobin just blushed deeper. He didn't want to, but he couldn't help the heat spreading across his face.




"Whatever." Soobin managed to pull himself out of Yeonjun's embrace before he could get flustered any further.

Soobin patted his jeans for his phone and for a moment he forgot where it was, but then he remembered putting it down right after he finished monitoring their dance. He leaned over to get his phone because it was just beside Yeonjun's lap, his body going across Yeonjun's - and for a moment, Soobin felt like blacking out.

Because as he looked up, he was staring right at Yeonjun's bright red face.

Yeonjun's eyes were wide and round, and his lips were parted, as though he was surprised. Their eyes met for a second, but then Yeonjun averted his gaze, to somewhere behind Soobin that he couldn't see.

At first, Soobin was confused. Didn't even realize why, his eyebrows furrowing together as he kept staring at Yeonjun's face - the pretty red on his cheeks, his hitched breath.

But then it dawned on him. Their faces were inches apart.

If he wanted to, he could just lean in and kiss him.

Soobin took his time, slowly, to look at Yeonjun's flushed cheeks, the tension visible on his face. It was rare to see him like this, like he was shy. Yeonjun wasn't looking at him - even making a conscious effort not to.

He blinked, trying to process this newfound information. That Yeonjun just blushed because of their close approximity, that Soobin didn't even really do anything for him to turn red like this. Yeonjun was always so confident, his moves sharp, his gaze enticing - but never had Soobin seen him like this, so flustered, so different. He decided he liked it. Liked it so much, even, that he couldn't stop staring.

Amused, Soobin made a mental note to himself.

"Hyung, come on." He got up, pocketing his phone as he held out his other hand to Yeonjun. "Let's get back. It's late."

Yeonjun just stared him for a second, looking like he was just in a haze, before he shook his head and accepted his hand. He was back to normal after that, suggesting that they have ice cream first before they go to bed, and Soobin agreed easily.

But Soobin couldn't stop thinking about Yeonjun's blushing face - not when the first spoon of ice cream land on his tongue, not when Yeonjun said goodnight and went to his room,

not even when he was on his bed, not until drowsiness lull him to sleep.

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