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My breaths were shakey. I stepped out of the cafe with my phone still pressed to my ear.

"Dax," I whispered.

I could hear his laugh on the other side of the line. "There's the fear I've been looking for."


He chuckled again. "Can you see me, doctor? I'm so close.."

I looked around desperately, but I couldn't see him.


"That's okay..... because I can see you." He says in a low and dangerous tone.

"Dax. Don't hurt anyone." I pleaded.

"Mmmmm, not so confident now, are you doc?"

I took a deep breath. "What's your plan now?"

"Don't worry, doctor, you'll find out soon enough." He said, then ended the call.

I still look around to see if I can spot him in the busy streets, and then I feel a hand on my back.

"You okay?" Liv asked me.

I plastered a smile on my face. "Yeah. We should get back to work now."

I wanted to get Liv out of the open and away from me.

"Oh, okay." She said, and we went back to the hospital.

For the whole day, I was anxious. I wasn't afraid of what Dax was going to do me. I was afraid of what Dax was going to do to the world. I ended up having to stay late at work today because of an emergency, but I finally was able to go home. Anthony texted me, saying he'd be home late, so that means I'd be alone tonight.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. I sighed and dropped my bag on the floor.

I made my way to the bathroom. I was on edge the whole day. I checked my phone again to see if there was any word from Dax, but there was nothing.

I don't know why I didn't call the police. I should have. Maybe. I don't know.

I freed my long hair from my messy bun and removed my clothes. I stepped into the shower and turned it on, letting the water cascade down my body.

It felt so relaxing after the day I had. I spent twenty minutes in the shower and finally stepped out. I grabbed my towel and dried myself and my hair then went into my bedroom.

I just slipped on some panties and an oversized t-shirt. Just as I was about to check my phone, all the lights went off. My heart skipped a beat, and my breath quickened. I grabbed my phone and turned the flashlight on.

I stayed quiet and carefully made my way downstairs to the breaker. I was shaking as I opened it hesitantly and flipped the switch, causing the lights to come back.

I breathed a sigh of relief, but then my phone buzzed. A text from a block number. I froze in place.

Blocked number: Found you.

I stepped away from the breaker, looking around, but I saw nothing. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to slow down my heart and breathing when my phone buzzed again.

Blocked number: Got you.

I turned around quickly, but Dax grabbed me by the throat and pressed me against the wall.

"Hello, Doctor." He said, grinning.

I gasped for air, but his grip only tightened. This is what I get for playing with fire.

"You owe me a life, remember?" He says to me.

I can feel the pressure building around my face. I tapped his hand and struggled.  I could see he was enjoying me losing consciousness. My heart rate was slowing down. I saw something flash in his eyes like fear or guilt.

Just as I was about to pass out, he released me, and I fell to the floor, coughing and touching my neck. I breathed heavily and glanced up at him.

"How... did... you find .... me?" I asked.

"Followed you home." He answered. "Get up, Doctor."

I inhaled sharply, and and got up slowly, but then he yanked me up by the arm. He grips my chin, and I gasped softly.

"I'm going to have fun torturing you." He said coldly.

"What -" Before I could finish my sentence, he pushed an injection into my arm.

I wasn't afraid of Dax, but in this moment, I was.

"Dax." I whispered, and before I knew it, I blacked out.


I caught the doctor before she could fall and lifted her up into my arms.

She's light. Very light.

I turned off the lights and walked out to my car with her. I opened my car door and placed her into the backseat. I don't know why I took the doctor instead of killing her, but all I knew was that for now, I wanted her alive.

I got into the driver's seat and drove away. Seeing the doctor scared excited me.

I want to see it again.

I kept glancing at her in the backseat. She'd be out for a while. It was at least an hour drive to my hideout. I kept eyes on the road.

I need to know if I can trust the doctor.

I'm a monster. I know I am. I've been that way since the night Evan died.

My mother had seemed like she was back to normal again. She got her job back, and she was gentle and caring towards us. I thought it was going to be for real this time, but I was wrong.

When I was eight years old, I came home from school and saw my mother standing in the hallway in a daze.

"Mom? Are you okay?" I asked, and she came to hug me.

"The demon is gone." She whispered.

"What do you mean?" I asked, and she tightened her grip on me.

I pushed her off me roughly.

"Where's Evan?" I shouted.

"You're just like them! Demons!" She yelled and tried to grab me, but I ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

She banged on the door, and my heart raced. Where's Evan?

I pressed my back to the door, but that's when I saw him in the tub.

"No no no no!" I yelled and pulled him out of the tub.

I sobbed and gave him CPR and mouth to mouth, but nothing worked. Evan was gone.

I held him in my arms and sobbed. I cried until there were no tears left to cry. After my mother calmed down, I waited til it was dark, and then I pulled Evan's body out of the house to the backyard. I was still crying as I dug the hole as deep as I could. I sobbed as I covered my brother with dirt.

The world was dark. Something shifted in me that day. I made a promise that I was going to avenge my brother and kill my mother when I was older.

And so I did.


*scratches head*

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