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I've been watching Dax on security footage around the prison and in his room. I was able to get access to it just by asking. I spent every moment that I wasn't working watching him.

I noticed he had a routine.

Wake up.
Work out.
Work out.

There was little to do in his cell, but from what I understood, he liked it there. Of course, Dax has no idea about the camera, but I did wonder if he would even care. He's confident. I don't think he would.

I licked the ice cream off my spoon as I watched him to his last workout for the day in his room, but then I saw the bedroom door fling open, and I quickly shut my laptop.

"What are you doing?" Anthony asks.

"Nothing, just work." I answered.

"Let me see." He said, reaching his hand out for my laptop.

"You can't it's confidential."

He frowned and shook his head. "I'm going to let slide, but only because I wanted to talk to you about something."

"And what's that?" I asked and placed my laptop under my pillow.

"I want us to try for a baby." He said with a smile.

I don't love my husband anymore. It's no surprise there. But one thing for sure is that I don't want any kids.

"I can't have kids, Anthony. You remember what the doctors said." I explained.

That was not a lie, and it was a every hard pill to swallow, but I've accepted the fact. Now it's his turn.

"Doctors say that all the time. It's not impossible."

Anthony doesn't want a child. He wants me to have a child so I can quit my job and go back to being a good little housewife.

"I can't get pregnant, Anthony, and why would I want to?" I snapped.

"You're such a fucking disappointment."

"I'm sure your mother said the same thing when she gave birth to you." I mumbled under by breath so he couldn't hear me but then grabbed my hair roughly causing me to cry out in pain.

"What did you just say to me?" He growled.


He released me roughly. "That's what I thought."

I took a deep breath and pulled my phone out when he went into the shower, then dialed a number in.

"Lewis, it's me. Amina." I said.

"You better have a good reason for calling me this late." Lewis said.

"I do..... I need you to allow me to take him outside tomorrow." I said, shaking my leg.

"No. End of discussion."

"No, not the end of discussion. You said you needed me. You said that I was the only one to do this job, then let me do my job." I said impatiently.

"No. He's too dangerous."

"He's also too stuck in his element. I need to get him out of his space." I said, glancing at the bathroom door.

I haven't told Anthony about working with Dax, seeing as it was confidential. But I still don't think he'd react well to me working with men.

"He's too unpredictable."

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